New 12" Full-Range: Fane 12-250TC

As my own waveguide projects have been on hold for a while, I've been helping a friend with his 12-250TC project. He built approx 140L enclosure for it, which is a transmission line. I can't yet comment on how well it turned out, as we haven't had the chance to listen to it in his living room, only in a less-than-ideal workshop space. The most interesting observation so far has been how much damping the pressed steel frame of this speaker affects its performance.

We used sound-deadening matt for car-audio called STP (similar to Dynamat etc butyl rubber matts)

First pic is on-axis and Hor 15 angles of undamped basket:
12-250TC undamped Hor 0 & 15.jpg

Pic 2: Damped basket Hor 0 and 15
12-250TC damped Hor 0 & 15.jpg

Pic 3: Undamped and damped comparison, On-axis / Hor 0
12-250TC damped_undamped comparison Hor 0.jpg

Pic 4: Distortion undamped, Hor 0
12-250TC Distortion undamped Hor 0.jpg

Pic 5: Distortion damped, Hor 0
12-250TC Distortion damped Hor 0.jpg

Pic 6: Damped in different angles
12-250TC damped Hor 0-20.jpg

12-250TC damped basket.jpg
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