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New FIFO buffer for RPI/SBCs

Hi Terry

can you please check your Katana , the stage should be fine for your revision

I don't think it is...
Please check pictures of THD board and katana


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Very good article :)

Yep. As usual. This guy neither ever measures any differences
nor hears any differences. He is playing that nonsense game since years.

During all these years he never questioned his methods!

And then he's drawing all kind of generic conclusions - which basically just reflect his questionable methods.

All these "snakeoil" screamers love this guy and his "findings" for obvious reasons.

With people like this guy we'd still live in the "audiophile" stone age and
could consider an e.g. HifiBerry DAC as good enough! I'm not saying it's a bad device.
I'm just saying there are IMO better devices out there. ;)

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Yep. As usual. This guy neither ever measures any differences
nor hears any differences. He is playing that nonsense game since years.

During all these years he never questioned his methods!

And then he's drawing all kind of generic conclusions - which basically just reflect his questionable methods.

All these "snakeoil" screamers love this guy and his "findings" for obvious reasons.

With people like this guy we'd still live in the "audiophile" stone age and
could consider an e.g. HifiBerry DAC as good enough! I'm not saying it's a bad device.
I'm just saying there are IMO better devices out there. ;)

I don't use smps on my rpi neither on my dacs.. but i would like to see the prof the differences.
If there is a difference that my ears are telling me.. why someone cannot prove that difference on measurements?
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Or maybe you are just imagining things for all these years which in turn drives your "business" ;)

My "business" model is the same as it always been. Just to make it clear. I don't sell anything and never did. I don't have any advertisements on my blog. No . Not even a donation button.

I provide HowTos and hints and contribute this or that here and there.
My idea is to put people into a position being able to decide themselves.

And being an engineer myself, I realized long ago, that my EMU0404 (the one that's being used by the guy for measurements for years) or my 100MHz
scope do have it's limitations.

As long as everybody don't feel cheated - it's fun!

1st of I wouldn't call it "cheated". I'd say "misled".
"Everybody" ?!?!? Many people just don't have the capacity to judge what's being presented. And that's the actual issue here. To me it's not fun.

However. There's a lot of fun for the Gregs and Marks and... thousands of others, like the Ians, the Allos, and thousands of users - including me - who clearly appreciate the obvious
and not that stuff that's written over there.

Bottom line. The whole matter is just too complex to draw generic conclusions.
Taking proper measurements is an art of it's own and requires much more
than a "soundcard". It usually requires equipment that can easily add up to 5 digit amounts.
And it requires skills, in-depths skills, to do the measurements.
And even than - even the pros - fail quite often to explain what they hear and why the hear it.

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I don't use smps on my rpi neither on my dacs.. but i would like to see the prof the differences.
If there is a difference that my ears are telling me.. why someone cannot prove that difference on measurements?

As I said, measurements are an art of it's own. Drawing the right conclusions
is another "art".
Focus. Those who have the right skills and equipment are usually not interested in getting to the bottom of the subject.
They are driven by business demands. What they know and what they communicate are usually two different subjects. Don't forget that!

Allo could present their excellent jitter measurements and say - we're done!
Allo knows that won't do! They and many other companies know that there
are limitations to the measurements. I'm not saying there's no need for measurements.
It's rather like - from the point your measurements look perfect, the real part of "audiophile" product design starts!

If somebody tells you that a SMPS is noisy. I'd say - so what !?!?
If somebody tells you a Linear PS is better then a SPMS. I'd say - so what !?!?
I'd say. It all depends. Just try it.
I have several linears here settling dust. I still think my SMPS solution is better then my linears in my environment.
I do know that everybody has a unique solution and not to forget different expectations.

Different environments are generating different results. Trying to find
out "Why exactly it is like it is??" can get pretty exhausting.

So. Bottom line.
For sure it's much easier to follow that "blog" logic: "If you don't measure any differences - there are no differences . Period."
But this - for sure - is not the attitude why most of us running that hobby!

Enjoy your music.
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As I said, measurements are an art of it's own. Drawing the right conclusions
is another "art".
Focus. Those who have the right skills and equipment are usually not interested in getting to the bottom of the subject.
They are driven by business demands. What they know and what they communicate are usually two different subjects. Don't forget that!

Allo could present their excellent jitter measurements and say - we're done!
Allo knows that won't do! They and many other companies know that there
are limitations to the measurements. I'm not saying there's no need for measurements.
It's rather like - from the point your measurements look perfect, the real part of "audiophile" product design starts!

If somebody tells you that a SMPS is noisy. I'd say - so what !?!?
If somebody tells you a Linear PS is better then a SPMS. I'd say - so what !?!?
I'd say. It all depends. Just try it.
I have several linears here settling dust. I still think my SMPS solution is better then my linears in my environment.
I do know that everybody has a unique solution and not to forget different expectations.

Different environments are generating different results. Trying to find
out "Why exactly it is like it is??" can get pretty exhausting.

So. Bottom line.
For sure it's much easier to follow that "blog" logic: "If you don't measure any differences - there are no differences . Period."

Enjoy your music.
Ok but there must be some true in is measurements... i think...
his measurements of dac specs are inline with the manufacturer claims..
If they are wrong .. they are all wrong...
The usual measurements are not bad, but they do not tell the entire tale.

A product that measures well is guaranteed to function properly. It is not guaranteed to make excellent sound.

There exists a bunch of other stuff that does not get measured and that is what really characterizes a product as good, better or best-in-class.

For example, who truly measures power supplies, especially the ones inside consumer devices? I'm talking about output impedance, bandwidth, noise, etc.

Most of the "mainstream" audio measurements will tell you that an LM7805-based power supply "sounds" the same as an LT3042-based power supply.

Is there anybody out there in diyaudioland that still believes that switching between power supplies does not make audible differences in audio?
I want to order the Katana either today or tomorrow. Is am killing over this because there is not enough information about the SQ output board. Can someone who owns it take and post a picture of the bottom? Can they also describe what they think of its sound quality?

The sound quality is more distorted than the THD output stage, for those who notice that type of thing. What kind of sound quality are you looking for? Also, why do you want a picture, you want to buy on looks? Anyway, if it helps you can see what makes it different from the THD board in the picture posted a few pages back in this thread:https://www.diyaudio.com/forums/vendor-s-bazaar/294940-fifo-buffer-rpi-sbcs-286.html#post5628255 It has the mod that says 'Katana-X-board' on it. If click on the pic to open it, then click on the white X in the lower left hand corner, it will blow up to full size so you can see clearly.
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