New Markaudio Drivers

Well done on the albums. The 'wanna be' rock band is the legendary Black Sabbath, inventors of 'heavy metal' the album is Paranoid.

Oh and camera is a Pentax ME super, one of the biggest selling SLR of pre digital age. 'twas a lovely thing :)

My first camera when I was 16, bought in St Maarten VI. Took tons of pictures and still have some. Experimented with a double exposure a few times, just found one to show I almost got it :D I remember you had to hold a button the bottom of the camera body I think and then advance the frame. I purposely under exposed the first image as I knew the white of the side of the ship would lighten it. Close but no cigar!

Now back to the regular programming.....


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The nostromo large have arrived!

Got them this week from Stefan. Hoop to finish up quickly.

Very pleased with Stefans(kjf) work, extremely good build, very good price. Perfect for the diy'rs with no wood skills or materials. They simply look and feel... like speakers you buy in a shop. Can't wait to hear them!


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Finished them yesterday!

They play very well. Do miss some midbass energy compared to the vintage boxes. I can probably fix that with some baff tuning.

They gain in detail, over the vintage boxes. Probably because of better speaker cable, box material (alot stiffer)

Very happy with them.

Never thought a singel driver could bring so mutch so.
So.. maby next year, I'll give 2 drivers per side a go 😀


  • IMG-20181223-WA0005.jpg
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That's one nice and esthetic build!
MA drivers, especially the later generations are truly exceptional beasts in the FR realm, and so are Planet10's designs.
The cables on the other hand, I would not give credit when it comes to better sound.
Unless said cables have relatively high impedance -(a couple of ohms or so) that would result in a slight bump in the lowest octave- they would have practically zero effect on the sound, unlike what cable sellers would like you to believe.
Congrats on your build. What are the vintage boxes to which these by comparison lack mid-bass? Adding more stuffing to these may not remedy that - try experimenting with placement in relation to rear wall, or BSC filter.

+1 to nick’s comment re speaker cabling

If you’re thinking of of upgrading things next year, rather than twinning same model driver per side, I’d suggest adding woofer(s), with a crossover frequency in the 100 or below range. I’ve been playing mostly with fullrange drivers of this size or smaller for the best part of the last 20yrs, and while the better ones can do a lot of things very well, the bottom couple of octaves in very small boxes is not their area of greatest strength. By relieving them of the heaviest lifting, you can have your cake and eat it too.

There are several ways to add such bass support, with tons of examples/descriptions of such systems to be found in these forums. A few years ago, the acronym FAST (now WAW) was coined to describe this general approach, and without the bass support, you might have only a half-FAST system. :D Sorry, I’ve been waiting to use that again.