New PassDIY Headphone Amp (now available)

Today the both OPA627 arrived, can't wait for listening and testing. ;-)
After two hours of listening (some genres of music) they will stay in the headamp!

Now listening to He Xun Tian - Paramita (XRCD), especially "Earth Drums" and "Moons upon a thousand Rivers". :D :D

thanks again!

i think i will test them also, but i must think over my experience with the Berlin customs. :-|
it is really great headamp!
Meldano has made very good layout and power supply, thanks! It ist totally quit, no hum, nothing. :D
An externally hosted image should be here but it was not working when we last tested it.

How it sounds? Only great! :lick face:

=> 2SJ313/2SK2013, 5R

Carsten, what kind of remote-controlled volume control are you using?
Is it a MUSES unit?

Where can I purchase one?

Thank you.
Just completing the upgrade of the EVO Mundorf coupling caps, and the Philips Tin Foil 100pF in the feedback network. After living with the headphone amp for almost one week now I must say it may well be one of my best can amps, and I built a few ;)
One major criteria for me is listening fatigue, and I can listen to this amp during hours and hours without any fatigue, and I keep discovering details in my favorite music. This is a lovely amplifier.

Meldano is right when he said that it can compete with the best ones.
It is very easy to make in its basic form, just get a nice chassis, add some nice coupling caps, good resistors in the signal path and you'll have a killer amp.

Thanks Wayne from PassDIY and 6L6 for sharing this great design. Very recommended :D
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