New PassDIY Headphone Amp (now available)

XP-10 / Specifications
Overall Gain
-73 dB to +10 dB
Volume Steps
Input Impedance
96k bal, 48k single-ended
Output Impedance
1000 Ohm bal, 150 Ohm single-ended

Using SE outs

Input is vinyl with XONO
Gain 40dB
Max Output 20V RMS
Output impedance 300 ohms

Gain of this headphone amp - 6L6 or Meldano please help

2 pico - I have tried other op amps with same results - will look at surrounding components - quite possible I put the same incorrect component in both channels given my board stuffing habits



I just completed my M2 so I substituted it in the chain - works well

Checked input rca connectors and 4 pin XLR - no shorts

DC offset left channel is is 175mV and right channel is 50mV - I expected better.
Anyone who has built this have measurements?

I have tried other op amps with same results.

Will start checking all resistors.

Thanks and best
Joined 2012
Paid Member
Did you use these output stage:

I found out that the R6, R15, R23 an R24 which are all 10K, must be real close, to have an almost zero output offset. Especially R6 and R24 if I remember correctly.
Also the V+ and V- of the PSU must be real close and stable.
Variations between v+ and V- give offset.

When I measured a few 10K resistors and picked the closest together, I now have output offset around 0.8 - 1mV at both channels.


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The project is not dead, due to life outside this forum I kicked the can down the road quite a bit further than I intended... Any delay (I.E., the last 6-7mo or so...) is 100% mine.

I saw your comment and realized that it was languishing on my shelf, dusted it off and started messing with it again over the last 2 days.

Long story short, and not trying to offer any excuses for my dropping of the ball with this project, I think I've finally found a configuration that is bulletproof and sounds great.

So hang in there, if it all works I'll have a substantive update soon.

Any updates?
Well since I am waiting for boards for this amp and also only have a few 2sk2013 and no 2sj313, I removed about half of the passdiy headphone circuit and made it work with the one transistor. Well at least it works in simulation. I wonder if it will work in the real world?


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I've been using ltspce for only a very short time now so I don't know it very well but I will take a guess that the FFT analysis for this circuit is pretty optimistic. The Passdiy amp looks even more optimistic. I assume that accurate FFT circuit simulation can't be done. If not I'll just have to wait and measure the passdiy board with the Arta program, I'm sure it will show a more realistic


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