New PassDIY Headphone Amp (now available)

Advanced Circuits $33 Special ... gotta love that! :D


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Getting ready to order parts ... I'm thinking 2W 5.1 ohms in the PS and RN60's everywhere else. FC filter caps for high-ripple and FM after regulators. Silmics in bypass locations and Auricap coupling. MUR140G's for bridge. Going to try a Burson V5i since I had excellent luck with a V5 in a Rotel phono stage!

For +/-15V I leave out R10, C10, D5 and jumper R9, correct? (Same for -15V) Want to stick with 15V to not limit my op-amp choices.

Any other thoughts/comments?

I'll be running Grado GH1's most of the time but also have some DT-770 250 Ohm when the house (read kids) is noisy. Is the 60mA sufficient or should I bite the bullet and go straight for 120mA?