New PassDIY Headphone Amp (now available)

I can go with a green board just as well. :D

I made an attempt to create a Digi-Key shopping cart that contains:
- ICs, are the opamps LM4562 and OPA627 ok for this?
- caps (except C1/C5 as i believe my Mundorf M-cap 2.2uF will do?)
- diodes (edit: D7/D8 were missing, add two more)
- heatsinks
- resistors that I don't have on my shelf

Invalid Request

Any comments and corrections are welcome. Remember that this is not a complete list of items, just a starting point. E.g. Digi-Key doesn't have Alps pots at all.

Edit: I forgot to mention that the item quantities are not optimised! There's more than you need on some components...
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BIG order from Mouser and Digi-Key today! I'm working on this, 2 other Class-A headphone amps as well as modifying my Hammond T-412.

Anyway, got the PCB stuffed and test fit it into the chassis ... so far so good!


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