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O2 Headphone Amplifier GB

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Olli, what's the absolute drop dead date on the GB? I've got more build buyers than I have boards, so I'll have to up my qty, but don't want to do it until the last moment so I don't have to come back to the trough more than once.

Well I plan on placing the order with them on Wednesday afternoon. I'm probably going to add an extra 10 or 20 boards so there will be a surplus for people like you who need an extra few.

sorry i may be dim, but where is the payment info page? i may as well g the black with gold too, may as well bling it up somewhere since its not the sort of project you can do that with parts.

The details are on the side of the online spreadsheet (it has my paypal email address). Let me know if you are still having problems.

A big thanks to all the new orders - I'm just about to drop them into the online spreadsheet. I'm also about to process all the payments recevied last night - many thanks indeed for those.

As usual, either post here, PM me or email me if you have any questions or I have got your details wrong on the spreadsheet.
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