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O2 Headphone Amplifier GB

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Jelly, have you seen the O2 Summary? It's just one fairly short page with links to everything. That way you can only read what you care about.

Yep, after I had read the all the articles :)
But these diyaudio threads also grow very hard.

Talking about mask colors. I see that the last board has a special color. Is it black, purple or blue?

Anyhow, I find a "different" color more appeling, so it will definalty add to the subjective value ;-)
Just sent you 10€ for my 3 boards since PayPal didn't let me cover the fees.
If you end up short of the necessary total amount for the GB, send me an email.
It's still cheaper than ordering myself and you are definitely more competent at ordering PCB's than me.
Just put the rest of the money towards the Black/Gold upgrade and/or a pint for your efforts.

And, even though I am repeating myself, a big Thank You to you and the RocketScientist.
2 x EU (Sweden) please
Have taken a look at the spreadsheet and is 5.50 £ enough including fees? I prefer to add a small margin / motivational beer ;)

Is anyone interested in making a small group buy for components (and case?) from mouser to europe (sweden)?
I can read color codes on resistors and most of the other components explain themselves so i don't need the components in labeled individual bags. As long as the sensitive once are packed well (physically and ESD) so the post office doesn't damage anything.

Big thanks to RocketScientist and olli1324 for making this available for everyone.
2 x EU (Sweden) please
Have taken a look at the spreadsheet and is 5.50 £ enough including fees? I prefer to add a small margin / motivational beer ;)

Is anyone interested in making a small group buy for components (and case?) from mouser to europe (sweden)?
I can read color codes on resistors and most of the other components explain themselves so i don't need the components in labeled individual bags. As long as the sensitive once are packed well (physically and ESD) so the post office doesn't damage anything.

Big thanks to RocketScientist and olli1324 for making this available for everyone.

£5.50 would cover it all :)

No word on an EU GB so far, I'm afraid.

Payment made. Thanks again for organizing!


Great - cheers man.
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