Official M2 schematic

Joined 2002
Paid Member
Thanks for the comments. I've been thinking about building an M2 with the Toshiba
mosfets as well. That way I can compare it against a standard one with
the Fairchild parts.

I found the M2 more lively than my Aleph 30, though I do not know how much
the Fairchilds contributed to that.

Joined 2003
Paid Member
Nelson has made the comment that a slight amount of hum might be present because of the input transformers. At least I think I remember reading this in the past. I have LaScala's and mine is quite but it probably depends on your horns sensitivity. You may try shielding the input transformers or maybe checking your grounding scheme.

I awoke this morning with anticipation of reading your review of this M2 Russellc and was disappointed earlier by not seeing anything but I guess you were too busy listening last night to bother posting anything. I understand. This amp has reached the top of my FW builds as well.

In my opinion, within its power band, it is by far the best I have built so far.
Beautiful! Brilliant! On the vinyl system, it is amazing, spellbinding in fact...

Official Court Jester
Joined 2003
Paid Member
How close to zero? Is there a range or is it set by source resistor readings, palm test etc...

just zero it

according to LTSpice , it'll be around 2A Iq , but I can't confirm that in vivo - amp is too heavy (and in living room) and my back temporary not in best shape

I have FQ outputs in mine (geschenk from Generg) , and yet to install 2SJ/2SK