Old Slogans You Remember

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Joined 2002
sorry some Dutch language

A German motorcycle from a few decades ago called Zundapp.
Ziet U Nu Dat Alles Precies Past.
Translated . You see now that everything fits exactly.
That was back in the days when things were built to last or at least could be serviced when they did break down/
Nowadays a cd transport will work a few years and when it needs repair the shop will tell you oh you did use it a lot. These machines wear. There is just one moving part!
Takes a look at a Revox reel to reel lots of moving parts. But they still pop up working on ebay.Their slogans Real to reel and everyone can hear. Only a few can listen.
Greetings, eduard
Kent with the micronite filter...

The "Micronite" filter was actually made with asbestos. Funny thing is that if you smoke you have a 50-90% greater chance of developing either asbestosis which is scarring of he lung tissue or mesothelioma which is cancer of the lungs and pleural lining.:eek:

I know because I have been in the asbestos abatement industry for 20 years and we always joke about Kent cigarettes.

I guess that's why the micronite filter disappeared.:skull:
The "Micronite" filter was actually made with asbestos. Funny thing is that if you smoke you have a 50-90% greater chance of developing either asbestosis which is scarring of he lung tissue or mesothelioma which is cancer of the lungs and pleural lining.:eek:

I know because I have been in the asbestos abatement industry for 20 years and we always joke about Kent cigarettes.

I guess that's why the micronite filter disappeared.:skull:

Only person I knew that smoked them was a grumpy old plumber...

But speaking of asbestos, one day when I worked at a commercial cal lab I had a power supply load test that called for a carbon pile.... Uh guys! Are you aware that these thermal support slats are made out of asbestos? They weren't. I got assigned to replacing them. Donned my gloves and respirator and subbed in thick sheets of Teflon. The asbestos slats got sealed in some static bags and handed to the safety officer. (Who probably tossed them in the dumpster).
"Don't blow your topping" - Cool Whip - the most widely eaten brand of whipped topping in the US

(just reading the ingredients makes me cringe)

I always preferred the aerosols like reddi-whip and real dairy whipped cream - gave much better application control for those unconventional situations
That ingredient list of Cool Whip is scary.

I've never even bought aerosol cream. Always whip my own using Double Cream as it is the tastiest (in other words: Contains the most fat!) and whips in 2-3 minutes.

Back on topic from the early '70s:
"Ist das 'n Braun?... Nee, das ist kein Braun... Ist ja doll, ist ja doch ein Braun!"

(A blindfolded guy is using a new Braun electric shaver then removes blindfold.)