Old Slogans You Remember

Claytons is the brand name of a non-alcoholic, non-carbonated beverage coloured and packaged to resemble bottled whisky. It was the subject of a major marketing campaign in Australia and New Zealand in the 1970s and 1980s, promoting it as "the drink you have when you're not having a drink" at a time when alcohol was being targeted as a major factor in the road death toll. The jingle was written by Australian social satirist, John McKellar.[1]

The product has not been advertised on television for thirty years (at 2015), yet it remains widely known. The name has entered into Australian and New Zealand vernacular where it stands for an ersatz or dummy thing, or something that is obviously ineffective. For example, a common-law couple might be described as having a "Claytons marriage". A knowledgeable but unqualified handyman could be referred to as a "Claytons carpenter". The term can also be used as an insult; e.g., "Sydney University is a Claytons university".
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Joined 2015
I hope no one said these 80s quotes yet?

Motel 6 ( we'll leave the light on for you ).

Isaiah Thomas with Detroit Edison commercial. He said look up for broken or hang wires.

Toys r us. I dont want to grow up am a toys r us kid.

Garbage pail kids ( I don't remember a commercial saying )

Hot wheels from the 70's and 80's ( beat that ) and leading the way.

Battle ship ( you sunk my battle ship)

Folgers . The best part of waking up is Folgers in your cup.

California raisins theme song. I heard it thru the grapevine.

Life cereal. Mikey I think he likes it?

Ho ho Ho green giant vegetables

Gravity train dog food. 70's ( Don't follow kids or animals ).

Chuck wagan dog food.

Uh Ho better get macco

Dunkin' Donuts from the 80s time to make the donuts

I will have to think of some more? Hoping no one else said these already ? Jeff
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"Great Ideas Come From Great Coffee" Taster's Choice instant coffee.

Speaking of, anyone remember watching the old commercials? I kind of liked the way they were almost like a soap opera with each different commercial run telling a little more of a long story. Over the years you watched the kids grow up and start drinking Taster's Choice and eventually going off to college. Ahh the good old days.