On A Hippie Trail, Head Full Of Zombie

Probably going to set the source trimpot at 16 Ohms, 4 Ohms, for 2sk170/2sj74 respectively, as a starting point.
Using Jfets with Idss of around 7mA for 2sj74 and 10mA for 2sk170.

Once I have confirmed source trimpot values, I may replace with fixed resistors. I have catered for the use of either a trimpot or through hole resistors in that position.
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Selecting Mosfets ECW20N20 and ECW20P20

Measuring and selecting mosfets for amp.


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Mosfets measured for amp.

Maybe I should comment about some of this.

1) You will see the lateral mosfets are excellent matching parts. I didn't test 10 parts to get this level of matching, all of them in the tube match this well. These are just the first two of each that I measured.

2) Looking at the curves - In order to hit 2A on each part, I need 1.6V and 2.25V at the gates of the N channel and P Channel parts respectively.

3) Based on my previous jfet testing of Id vs Degeneration, with a 16/4 Ohms setting on the trimpot, we have an Id current of roughly 6mA for each jfet (probably closer to 6.5mA on 2sk170). In order to reach a max bias of 2A, using the previous Vgs values (see [2] above) we need R = 2.25/0.006 = 375 Ohms at the drain of 2sk170 to bias up the P Channel Mosfet (we need less for the N Channel mosfet).
I will therefore use a 200 Ohm trimpot in series with a 200 Ohm resistor. Depending how I feel, I may use a 150 Ohm resistor instead.
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I hate desoldering parts.

I promise you it has nothing to do with being a nerd and everything to do with avoiding desoldering.

This amp is such a bastard to be honest. It looks so elegantly simple but it's not really, the J2 is far simpler. The bloody Vgs threshold mismatch between N and P in the most inconvenient way, is the bastard here.

This just proves I am a bloody dumb bastard. Hahahahaha
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