Open-source USB interface: Audio Widget

That is because the firmware supports operation both with and without divider. Resistors are used to inform the MCU of the hardware configuration. With a divider PA03 =pin 125 floats. That has been the default use of that pin in a lot of hardware audio widgets. Without a divider (as in my Mk 3), R1309 is installed to tell the firmware what is going on.

Likewise, R1310 says which kind of LED is used. Mount R42 with common anode LED and R34 with common cathode LED.

I hope this solves your problem!


Thanks, that must be it:) I will try right away.
Hi, I modyfied my Henry Dac mk3. Snaping off all 10nF caps, change 560uf Os-con to 1000uf Silmic, C15 got 1000uf Nichicon FG, change RCA ang took signal from first solderpoint after dac ( at same time signal also go trou 470ohm resistor/2n2 to ground ). It sound super, played for some time then someone on the Norwegian forum say maby going from 560uf to 1000uf was not so ideal. So I desided to try Silmic 470uf ( the closest to oem ). Started to solder them in but I screw it up by destroying a solder point + solder one cap wrong way ) : Wold not work anymore, so ordred a new one. And now to the point, I have now done a ( Lampizator ) snap of all components after dac. snipped the 470ohm and the 2n2. Solder 0.5mm silver cable from first point after dac and to new RCA. This mode lift the sound SO much, the music flow so smood!! and the details O: I recomend to try it.


  • Lampisny.jpg
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That's a pretty cool mod job!

One caveat though trying to be both a DIY lover and a retailer: When the outputs are connected directly to the DAC chip, the whole DAC becomes more suceptible to ESD issues. I'm glad it works so well for you!

I don't think I could put that in a standard product, though, because it would probably mess up both certifications and the return rate. But do let me know if you need a few more to work with, A/B test etc! :)

Hi, yes DIY is so fun! I am aware of the protection I have delited, so garanty is gone. As for the dac and rest of the system I take a chance.
But worked so far. And you can not sell with that mode, as to certifications you say. Thanks for been interested in modes, I come back to you on that ( : Im planing to test the 7 470uf Silmics for the 560uf Os-cons and maby 2 of them as Elna Cerafine. Read somewhere they do not sound any good alone but mixed with adder they are a must. I m not sure where, maby C21/C31, the C15 is getting a Nichicon KZ ( Muse ) 1000uf 25v I think. Have also some KZ 470uf, FG 3300uf 25v, Audio Note 10000uf 16v, F&T 10000uf 40v that can fit the C15. Ide? And maby snap the blue 10nf again. Im planing to do it step by step to hear what does it for the sound.

And a bit of topic, here is some pictures of my Marantz SA15S1 that have the whole protection board bypassed ( signal direct from dac to RCA, with a good Jantzen Alumen ( aluminium foil ) as dc protection.
Extern clock with its own power. Sound very natural / organic. DIY so fun ( :


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Capacitor matching is an artform. I have recently started using a low-cost USB vector network analyzer to "blend" capacitors together. My optimization this far has been instruments based for low impedance across a wide frequency band. I have yet to optimize with ears.

If you're in the Oslo area I can show you the instrument setup.


This little box is absolutely brilliant: DG8SAQ Low Cost Vector Network Analyzer VNWA 3 with Accessories

I use it for two-port analysis and study the effect of parallel decoupling capacitors on the frequency dependant damping. That result (S21) can then be converted to impedance and plotted with the built-in formula editor.

The end result is that I can look at Z(w) for any combination of components. At 0VDC and at small signals, that is, but still. It is extremely informative!

I work at Oslo Science Park. If you want I can show you over lunch one day :)

Hi, here is the dac with new caps. The mix of Cerafine and Silmic is just so good. The Cerafine are more in your face and good 3D perspective. When I hade only Silmic it was nice, but now its so more engaging, want to play song after song ( :

I see my Marantz SA15S1 also use them together.

I also build a wood box for it.
Inspired from "Mother of Tone", they use spruce ( gran in Norway ).


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Wow, that's a pretty hefty mod!

Could you send the exact part names of the capacitors you use? And please also the capacitors you discard.

It would be very interesting to plug them into my test rig (vector network analyzer) and see if there is a correlation between how they measure and how you say they sound.

Hi , tanks for interest. I have discardet ( snaped ) all the big blue 10nf.
Desolder the 470ohm resistors after DAC chip, snapped of the two 2n2 to ground before RCA. Snaped of the 10nf after C15 ( C26 ). And solder 0.5mm silver cable from first point after DAC to RCA.

So the caps: C21/C31 is Elna Cerafine 470uf 25V.
C15 is Nichicon KZ ( MUSE ) 1000uf 25V.
All the rest of the oem 570uf OS-CONs are changes to Elna Silmic II 470uf 6.3V.

Hi , tanks for interest. I have discardet ( snaped ) all the big blue 10nf.
Desolder the 470ohm resistors after DAC chip, snapped of the two 2n2 to ground before RCA. Snaped of the 10nf after C15 ( C26 ). And solder 0.5mm silver cable from first point after DAC to RCA.

So the caps: C21/C31 is Elna Cerafine 470uf 25V.
C15 is Nichicon KZ ( MUSE ) 1000uf 25V.
All the rest of the oem 570uf OS-CONs are changes to Elna Silmic II 470uf 6.3V.


I have done it. Thank you. Magnificent. Now I have to get new underwear after finishing it. :D


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The code also runs in the AT32UC3A3128

When I check with Microchip is says "In production"
Thank you. Much Appreciated.

The reason I mentioned "seems discontinued" was, Mouser, Digikey, etc does not have any stock for AT32UC3A3256.
Now I see stock available for AT32UC3A3128 from Digikey, which would be a good start point. Thank you.
Nobody has stock of anything these days!

The '128 works just fine. Except for one thing: My prog.bat file for uploading into the '256 via Flip will brick the '128. (At least if you don't have JTAG available to upload the USB bootloader again.)

I have uncommitted edits where the target MCU can be set in the top Makefile. Works like a charm! I will push it once I have the upload process under better control.
Nobody has stock of anything these days!

The '128 works just fine. Except for one thing: My prog.bat file for uploading into the '256 via Flip will brick the '128. (At least if you don't have JTAG available to upload the USB bootloader again.)

I have uncommitted edits where the target MCU can be set in the top Makefile. Works like a charm! I will push it once I have the upload process under better control.
Thank you so much. I am at HW designing stage for my own DAC project. I will revisit the Makefile when HW design is done.