Pass Labs XP-17 right channel hum

Hi Wayne, there is no doubt in my mind that we are dealing with a faulty transformer that has a great electro magnetic field radiation.
I considered the trafo shielding sheet from Don Audio but have no experience with this type of shielding, have you tried it?
The VPI brick is too big and could not put back the top cover.
I have used the shielding sheet from Don Audio in my Iron Pre SE build.
It fitted exact for used trafo and greatly reduced the hum to the level under -120dB where is no longer noticeble.


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Hi all,
finally solved the hum problem with my XP-17!
in particular I would like to thank ACnotDC for giving me the great advice of trying the Shielding Sheet from Don Audio.
I wrapped the shield oround the toroidal transformer and now my XP-17 is dead quiet.
Thank you ACnotDC!
I would like to thank even 6L6 for all the support he gave me.
From Pass Labs no response to my mail.
I have sent them a mail from their website, maybe something went wrong and they didn't recieve it.
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Oh! I didn't know!
Thank you Zen Mod.
An additional shield is what I did.
As I like this phono very very much, the best I have tried till now, way better than the AR SP8 and SP10, Nagra bps, Naim phono and so on.
Maybe getting a new transformer could get things and spound even better.
Any advice?
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