Pass Labs XP-17 right channel hum

Listening the XP-17, I'm not shure but maybe the sound is a little more brilliant in the top octaves and lost a little of swetness and 3D imaging.......
Maybe I'm dreaming.....
Maybe I wrapped the shield too tight....
Maybe is my immagination.
I'll continue listening.
All the best
Hello ACnotDC,
everything is fine, in the beginning I wrapped the shield tight around the toroid finding out later on that the transformer was much warmer than before.
For this reason I tried wrapping the shield leaving some space between the shield and the toroid.
Now the transformer is less warm, around 50 C° but allways 10 C° more than before whithout shield, allways no hum but strangely the sound quality is improved, more clear, sweet and 3D.
Did you have the same results?
Any advice?
Thank you again