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PeeCeeBee PSU GB

I can't see any of the pictures!!! :scratch:

edit: Can you try uploading them as attachments?


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Please check Q1 and Q2 whether they were damaged during reversed operation. Just base-collector and base-emitter diode test will be sufficient. Can test without removing from board.

If Q1 and Q2 are fine then install one 10uF polarised electrolytic capacitor in parallel with the existing 10uF (C7 and C8). Turn on power and check (for 10-15 seconds).

edit: also check for any loose solder joint and whether all small transistors and resistors were placed correctly.
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Joined 2014
Paid Member
Adding back the folks from the original list at post 92.

PSU GB2 List:

Ajit - 2PCB
Neurotica - 2 PCBs
amitskamal - 1 PCB+Components
Vunce - 4 PCBs
Ejno -2 PCB
Brookhart995- 1 PCB
Rick G - 2 PCBs
Oracle1 - 2 PCB's
NishantS - 1PCB

I apologize, I didn’t mean to leave anybody out :(
As a matter of fact, this only helps our push for 50!!! I really like the features of this psu board and hope to use it for the V4 and other projects.
Hallo Shaan, i am going to use the psu pcb's for dual mono. After the crc more capacitance? How ? Is it necessary?

Because i have plenty of 10mf/63v.

Dual mono means each channel will have its own PSU. So IMO no need to install more than 4 of those caps. If used for Class-AB amps you can decrease the power resistors to 0.1R or just replace them with thick wires and have more transient current reserve in the PSU.