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PeeCeeBee PSU GB

GB Update:

Nisbeth - 4 PCBs - PAID
loafimus - 1 PCB - PAID
yoaudio - 2 PCBs - PAID
asuslover - 2 PCBs - PAID
bvtrinh - 4 PCBs - PAID
solviken - 2 PCBs - PAID
helfred - 4 PCBs - PAID
kokanee - 4 PCBs - PAID
Lutto - 4 PCBs - PAID
Gwrskien - 4 PCBs - PAID
craydive - 10 PCBs - PAID
CitizenKane - 4 PCBs - PAID
SigFire - 2 PCBs - PAID
tome - 4 PCBs - PAID
kpsthakur - 2 PCBs - PAID
spind - 4 PCBs - PAID
emynet - 4 PCBs - PAID
vvs07 - 4 PCBs - PAID
vasillis - 4 PCBs - PAID
nealj - 2 PCBs - PAID
leejh - 4 PCBs - PAID
gannaji - 1 PCB - PAID
muthumuthiah - 2 PCBs - PAID
reaper996 - 1 PCB - PAID
Malvin - 2 PCBs - PAID
ecclesand - 2 PCBs - PAID
gopib - 1 PCB - PAID
steefdebruijn - 4 PCBs - PAID
Dirttracker73 - 2 PCBs - PAID
mexakin - 2 PCBs - PAID
jls001 - 2 KITs - PAID
zebulo - 2 PCBs - PAID
bambadoo - 4 PCBs - PAID
pieter t - 3 PCBs - PAID
ckwong99 - 4 PCBs - PAID
NishantS - 1 PCB - PAID
fencki - 1 PCB - PAID
sasha70 - 3 PCBs - PAID

dcoff - 2 PCBs - INVOICE SENT
waeah - 1 PCB - INVOICE SENT
rajesh - 3 PCBs - PM SENT
passive420 - 1 PCB - PM SENT
outtek - 1 PCB - PM SENT

If there is a mistake in the list then please let me know.

And they're here! :)


  • IMG_20180504_204526.jpg
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Dear Shaan,
Can you provide the following drawings with dimentions marked? These will be of immence help !
1. Drill template with dimensions marked.
2. The various holes and dimensions of the relays used. This will be useful for checking for alternate relays and solutions.


  • Relay Image 1.jpg
    Relay Image 1.jpg
    102.2 KB · Views: 422
  • Relay Image 2.jpg
    Relay Image 2.jpg
    55.6 KB · Views: 406
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Dear Shaan,
Can you provide the following drawings with dimentions marked? These will be of immence help !
1. Drill template with dimensions marked.

Hi Gannaji. Will upload shortly.

2. The various holes and dimensions of the relays used. This will be useful for checking for alternate relays and solutions.

Please read on.

Hi Shaan, any model suggestion on the relay for large current using ?

What form factors are supported?

Hi Loafiums. I dont know what form factor it can support. I just wanted a high current supported one for the psu board

Please check the attached pix. The PSU supports these two form factors. I can't seem to land on any model number that I'd prefer over others as most models that fit in the configs shown in the pictures below are suitable for the purpose. But considering killer looks, the G2R-1-E SPDT 24V Coil 16A (second picture) wins my heart. :D


  • SPDT.png
    310.3 KB · Views: 396
  • DPDT.png
    238.5 KB · Views: 416
Hi Gannaji. Will upload shortly.

Please read on.

Please check the attached pix. The PSU supports these two form factors. I can't seem to land on any model number that I'd prefer over others as most models that fit in the configs shown in the pictures below are suitable for the purpose. But considering killer looks, the G2R-1-E SPDT 24V Coil 16A (second picture) wins my heart. :D

That is one pretty looking relay. Thanks!

Is there any voltage requirements for the led?