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PeeCeeBee V4 GB!

List of GB2 members who have confirmed their PCBs:

patriz - 4 PCBs - INVOICE SENT - PAID
potepuh - 4 PCBs - INVOICE SENT - PAID
kartk - 2 PCBs - INVOICE SENT - PAID
electrix - 2 PCBs - INVOICE SENT - PAID
Manoranjan - 2 PCBs - INVOICE SENT - PAID
phill094 - 4 PCBs - INVOICE SENT - PAID
lifewater - 2 PCBs - INVOICE SENT - PAID
vasillis - 4 PCBs - INVOICE SENT - PAID
muthumuthiah - 2 PCBs - INVOICE SENT - PAID
cganeshprabhu - 4 PCBs - INVOICE SENT - PAID
rdobbis - 4 PCBs - INVOICE SENT - PAID
nikosokey - 2 PCBs - INVOICE SENT - PAID
mj777 - 2 PCBs - INVOICE SENT - PAID
arthur - 6 PCBs - INVOICE SENT - PAID
andrewboyp - 10 PCBs - INVOICE SENT - PAID
ben123 - 4 PCBs - INVOICE SENT - PAID
zebulo - 2 PCBs - INVOICE SENT - PAID
airkrishna2015 - 4 PCBs - INVOICE SENT - PAID
cgraf - 2 PCBs - INVOICE SENT - PAID


Just finished both channels and installed in a temporary wooden case I made a while back...looking for a nice aluminum case. This amp is dead silent and sounds very good with punchy bass. The mids are just short of perfect. The highs are smooth...no glare. The soundstage is impressive...very wide with just the right amount of depth. Imaging is spot on. Had a lot of fun building this. Thanks shaan! :cheers:


  • 20170731_081244.jpg
    907.2 KB · Views: 264
Just finished both channels and installed in a temporary wooden case I made a while back...looking for a nice aluminum case. This amp is dead silent and sounds very good with punchy bass. The mids are just short of perfect. The highs are smooth...no glare. The soundstage is impressive...very wide with just the right amount of depth. Imaging is spot on. Had a lot of fun building this. Thanks shaan! :cheers:


Yep...no problem so far...been running it for about 6 hours now...

There seems to be no vents in the current enclosure. Try not to cover it while it's on.
Got some good stuff on a very good day! :)

The boards are home. I will start sending invoices to all members for rest amount and will ship the packages subsequently. Thanks GB members for their patience.


p.s. uploading the 2M pictures as attachments repeatedly gave me "413 Request Entity Too Large" error so I have linked them externally.
GB 2 Update:

Mdpae - 2 PCBS - PAID
kartk - 2 PCBs - PAID
Manoranjan - 2 PCBs - PAID
lifewater - 2 PCBs - PAID
NishantS - 4 PCBs - PAID
muthumuthiah - 2 PCBs - PAID
cganeshprabhu - 4 PCBs - PAID
airkrishna2015 - 4 PCBs - PAID
patriz - 4 PCBs - PAID
zebulo - 2 PCBs - PAID

cgraf - 2 PCBs - INVOICE 2 SENT
potepuh - 4 PCBs - INVOICE 2 SENT
andrewboyp - 10 boards - INVOICE 2 SENT
electrix - 2 PCBs - INVOICE 2 SENT
phill094 - 4 PCBs - INVOICE 2 SENT
ben123 - 4 PCBs - INVOICE 2 SENT
tome - 2 PCBs - INVOICE 2 SENT
vasillis - 4 PCBs - INVOICE 2 SENT
rdobbis - 4 PCBs - INVOICE 2 SENT
nikosokey - 2 PCBs - INVOICE 2 SENT
mj777 - 2 PCBs - INVOICE 2 SENT
arthur - 6 PCBs - INVOICE 2 SENT

I have a few spare PCBs left so if anyone is interested for a couple or more then send me a PM.