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PeeCeeBee V4 GB!

Hello Shaan
Thank you very much for the information I will take 300va for each :)
Bonne journé

What I meant is that for each channel you need 150VA! 300VA is good for two channels. So you can use one 150VA transformer for each channel if you plan to make it a dual mono configuration.

But if you plan to use 300VA for each channel (i.e. two 300VA transformers for stereo) then NO PROBLEM! You will even be able to run them in 1A biased Class-A mode! :up:
GB 2 Update:

Mdpae - 2 PCBS - PAID
kartk - 2 PCBs - PAID
Manoranjan - 2 PCBs - PAID
lifewater - 2 PCBs - PAID
NishantS - 4 PCBs - PAID
muthumuthiah - 2 PCBs - PAID
cganeshprabhu - 4 PCBs - PAID
airkrishna2015 - 4 PCBs - PAID
patriz - 4 PCBs - PAID
zebulo - 2 PCBs - PAID
cgraf - 2 PCBs - PAID
potepuh - 4 PCBs - PAID
andrewboyp - 10 boards - PAID
electrix - 2 PCBs - PAID
phill094 - 4 PCBs - PAID
rdobbis - 4 PCBs - PAID
nikosokey - 4 PCBs - PAID
mj777 - 2 PCBs - PAID
arthur - 6 PCBs - PAID
HH - 2 PCBs - PAID

ben123 - 4 PCBs - INVOICE 2 SENT
tome - 2 PCBs - INVOICE 2 SENT
vasillis - 4 PCBs - INVOICE 2 SENT

I have started assorting the boards and packaging/labeling. Will start shipping from 21 August.


edit: in the mean time I will send emails to all members for confirmation of delivery address.
Last edited:

To overseas GB members (PCB orders):

I expected PayPal to transfer amount to my account yesterday. But it happened not until today evening (my bank's processing is very "fast" as usual). Now I have shipping amount ready so will start shipping from tomorrow. Thanks for your patience.

To Indian GB members (Kit orders):

All the kits have been sorted out and are ready to ship. However, as the 2SK1058 and 2SJ162 pair has practically gone out of market and are not expected to be available locally in the foreseeable future, I have moved to shipping the kits with ECX10N20 and ECX10P20 instead. I will be receiving 50 pairs by this Saturday (26 August 2017), and the kits will be shipped next week. Thanks for your patience.

The ECXs are claimed to be better devices than the previous ones and are drop-in replacements for the 2SK/2SJ pair. From now on all kits/modules I ship will be using the ECX MOSFETs only.


To overseas GB members (PCB orders):

I expected PayPal to transfer amount to my account yesterday. But it happened not until today evening (my bank's processing is very "fast" as usual). Now I have shipping amount ready so will start shipping from tomorrow. Thanks for your patience.

To Indian GB members (Kit orders):

All the kits have been sorted out and are ready to ship. However, as the 2SK1058 and 2SJ162 pair has practically gone out of market and are not expected to be available locally in the foreseeable future, I have moved to shipping the kits with ECX10N20 and ECX10P20 instead. I will be receiving 50 pairs by this Saturday (26 August 2017), and the kits will be shipped next week. Thanks for your patience.

The ECXs are claimed to be better devices than the previous ones and are drop-in replacements for the 2SK/2SJ pair. From now on all kits/modules I ship will be using the ECX MOSFETs only.

Appreciate your efforts to find replacement for MOSFETs
Hi Shaan, before starting to order BOM do you recommend some specific make/brand for caps or some matching for BC trasistors?
What components i need to change is i plan to use a +/- 45v SMPS?
Thanks for your help!


I like Panasonic FM electrolytics + Wima films + Dale MFR. IMO this combo looks sick with V4!

Matching is not really that important here, but try to avoid a hFE difference of more than 25 between PNP and NPN.

For 45V operation use ECX10N20/P20 instead of 2SK/SJ, MUR160 instead of 1N4148, MJE/KSE340/350 instead of BD139/40. Also change the two 220R resistors (R7,R8) to 330R.
Updated first post with some "good looking" pictures of completed V4 module. :D


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Looking on pcb's one quiestion raised into my mind: how is the pcb mechanically tighted to heatsink: with the two screws of power transistors?
Is it ok that pcb is tightened along with transistors? In VSSA that plastic spacer was a good idea to keep pcb 2-3 mm away from hot power transistors. Thanks!
Looking on pcb's one quiestion raised into my mind: how is the pcb mechanically tighted to heatsink: with the two screws of power transistors?

With two screws for power transistors, two screws for VAS transistors and if you want more retention then two extra screws for only the board on the input side. IMO, power and VAS transistor screws are enough as the board is very sturdy, very hard to bend it from a push on a tab terminal.

Is it ok that pcb is tightened along with transistors?

Yes, absolutely ok. V4 was designed with that in mind.

In VSSA that plastic spacer was a good idea to keep pcb 2-3 mm away from hot power transistors. Thanks!

Plastic spacers are a thing of the past. ;)
GB2 Shipping started.

Mdpae - 2 PCBS - SHIPPED
kartk - 2 PCBs - SHIPPED
Manoranjan - 2 PCBs - SHIPPED
lifewater - 2 PCBs - SHIPPED
NishantS - 4 PCBs - SHIPPED
muthumuthiah - 2 PCBs - SHIPPED
cganeshprabhu - 4 PCBs - SHIPPED
airkrishna2015 - 4 PCBs - SHIPPED
patriz - 4 PCBs - PAID
zebulo - 2 PCBs - PAID
cgraf - 2 PCBs - PAID
potepuh - 4 PCBs - PAID
andrewboyp - 10 boards - PAID
electrix - 2 PCBs - PAID
phill094 - 4 PCBs - PAID
rdobbis - 4 PCBs - PAID
nikosokey - 4 PCBs - PAID
mj777 - 2 PCBs - PAID
arthur - 6 PCBs - PAID
HH - 2 PCBs - PAID
ben123 - 4 PCBs - PAID
vasillis - 4 PCBs - PAID
JaredC79 - 4 PCBs - PAID
CitizenKane - 2 PCBs - PAID
