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PeeCeeBee V4 GB!

Finally got the V4 all buttoned up and singing! Haven't done any critical listening yet, but from the little bit I've sat down with it, I'm impressed. I don't think my ZRTs have ever pumped out bass quite like this yet.

I ran into some grounding issues with the inputs and I'm getting a bit of radiation off of my transformer as it's humming a little bit. I'm considering doing an Antek 300VA 25V that is shielded to see if it helps, but it's barely noticeable as is unless you're looking for it.

I've attached a few photos, but here is the full build album including some fancy CNC work by gtose. Luckily he was born my brother and I get to abuse him as much as possible:

Peeceebee V4 Class AB Amplifier - Google Photos

Along with the V4 (modded to Rev2), the build includes Shaan's Peeceebee PSU and Speaker Protection. Folsom's EMI filter is used along with a soft start from eBay.

Edit: I should mention, the fix I had for the ground buzz was to tie the two RCA input grounds together. This eliminated most of the parasitic noise. I was only getting the noise when an input is connected. If I short the inputs, it's dead silent. If anyone has any ideas to further silence the amp, I'll give them a try.


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Hi Loafimus!

AWESOME BUILD!!!! :hbeat:

Glad you liked v4's lows. I hope you will like the rest too. :)

I had a chance to sit down with it for a little bit last night and yes, I like the rest of it =)

My previous amps were a chipamp and a TPA3250 based class D, so this is my first real jump into solid state amps. I'm feeding the amp from an Allo Boss DAC using Roon Audio going through a custom preamp using Salas' DCG3 buffer and a Relaixed attenuator. It's playing through to Zaph's ZRT 2-ways.

I'm terrible at translating sound into words, but I'll give it a shot. First, I've always noticed good deep bass with the ZRTs, but mostly with music you would expect it from, like Beastie Boys, etc... One of my typical test tracks, Don't Stop Me Now by Queen hit me with bass that I hadn't found before. I felt the kick drum.

The imaging and vocals are on another level with the V4. This is one of those parts that's hard to explain without sounding too audiofoolish, but everything was just so crystal clear and resolving and different than what I was use to.

I think I've hit another point in my audio adventure where I tell myself "this is it, it can't get any better"... that is until I start the next project.

Once again, great job Shaan. Both the V4 and the PSU are top notch projects. The documentation was easy to follow and you were very helpful with the questions I had.
I bought these boards a long time ago , I started populating but I never finished building the amps...
Loafimus, I think you are one of the first ones to finish and listen to this V4 amp , at least one of the first ones to post their thoughts. That chipamp was an lm4780 by any chance?
I really like your amp, Great job!
I bought these boards a long time ago , I started populating but I never finished building the amps...
Loafimus, I think you are one of the first ones to finish and listen to this V4 amp , at least one of the first ones to post their thoughts. That chipamp was an lm4780 by any chance?
I really like your amp, Great job!

My chipamp is a LM4780, yes. It is a nice little amp, kind of a shame they EOL'd the chip.
I had a chance to sit down with it for a little bit last night and yes, I like the rest of it =)

My previous amps were a chipamp and a TPA3250 based class D, so this is my first real jump into solid state amps. I'm feeding the amp from an Allo Boss DAC using Roon Audio going through a custom preamp using Salas' DCG3 buffer and a Relaixed attenuator. It's playing through to Zaph's ZRT 2-ways.

I'm terrible at translating sound into words, but I'll give it a shot. First, I've always noticed good deep bass with the ZRTs, but mostly with music you would expect it from, like Beastie Boys, etc... One of my typical test tracks, Don't Stop Me Now by Queen hit me with bass that I hadn't found before. I felt the kick drum.

The imaging and vocals are on another level with the V4. This is one of those parts that's hard to explain without sounding too audiofoolish, but everything was just so crystal clear and resolving and different than what I was use to.

I think I've hit another point in my audio adventure where I tell myself "this is it, it can't get any better"... that is until I start the next project.

Once again, great job Shaan. Both the V4 and the PSU are top notch projects. The documentation was easy to follow and you were very helpful with the questions I had.

Happy to know that V4 is your first discrete amplifier and you liked its sonics! :cloud9:

You've given v4 a really nice looking cab! I hope the amp stays with you for a long time to come and keeps your musical sessions fresh.
