Pictures of your diy Pass amplifier

Joined 2013
Paid Member
Wow! I finally get to listen to my "new" Medallion 2 cabinets with Lowther PM2A drivers, which I bought for my in progress Singing Bush VFET amplifier. Just finished listening to Andrea Bocelli sing Ava Maria in Italian, MAGICAL!


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Comon Elwood, get out the fire retard underwear, for you and the kitty and go for it! I understand the apprehension, when I built the Honey Badge, it was kinda kludged with several schematic and parts choices. That damn thing sat on my bench while I messed with niggles for weeks. I was just sure that the was going up in flames, not that it won't at some point, but so far so good.

There comes a time when ya just gotta go for it....

Another VFET lives and sounds incredible on a set of Elsinore's Mk 3....cheers

Great looking amp. Interested in your opinion of the Elsinores with the Pass amp. I'm at the end of the collecting phase with xovers built. Losing motivation to build the cabinets. Going to use a pair of ACA's as monoblocks. Tell me something good here so I can get off my butt and finish this thing.
I built mine from solid quartersawn white oak because that's what I had on hand. Its 20-22 mm thick and I built the Mk 3 version about 2 yrs ago. I can remember the first night I hooked them up ,wow. You will not be disappointed with these they are all that people have said about them in the thread here. Follow the plans and you will have a great pair of speakers that match very well with First Watt amps I have M2x, Aleph J and now the Sony VFET all sound incredible. Very dynamic and balanced even at low volumes detailed and great bass. Good luck get to it you will be saying,''I should have built these sooner''.
Make sure you finish them before hooking them up or you'll never will. Here's a few pics I installed the felt around the tweeter afterwards but I would go for the new Mk 6 with the wave guide if building again.Hope this helps ,cheers.


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I built mine from solid quartersawn white oak because that's what I had on hand. Its 20-22 mm thick and I built the Mk 3 version about 2 yrs ago. I can remember the first night I hooked them up ,wow. You will not be disappointed with these they are all that people have said about them in the thread here. Follow the plans and you will have a great pair of speakers that match very well with First Watt amps I have M2x, Aleph J and now the Sony VFET all sound incredible. Very dynamic and balanced even at low volumes detailed and great bass. Good luck get to it you will be saying,''I should have built these sooner''.
Make sure you finish them before hooking them up or you'll never will. Here's a few pics I installed the felt around the tweeter afterwards but I would go for the new Mk 6 with the wave guide if building again.Hope this helps ,cheers.

That's what I needed. Mine are MK6 and I've got all the parts sitting in my shop (going on a year now :mad::mad:). Time to get it going. Thanks for the feedback.