Pictures & Report: '06 Vancouver Island diyFEST

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Joined 2001
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Thanx Frank,

It seems the general concensus is that this one was the best one yet.

The 3rd listening area on the back deck was a real hit. The last of the stragglers headed off today at 6 PM... looks like this is turning into an event stretching over 2 days.

It was great to see everybody, besides the locals Scott was down from Campbell River, Jesse from Alert Bay, and Terry up from Seattle.

Many wonderful systems ans bits heard... and a tonne of exchange of ideas...

I have quite a few pics to post, but am really at a state of zomby :)

A few teasers.


The open baffle area on the apron under the deck. The Silver Iris with new Hurdy GurdyMan XOs were much improved (Rega/BottleHead system)


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Joined 2001
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OK one more... breakfast of strong coffee, cinammon buns & strawberry shortcake... oh, and the PAWOs driven with Jesse's totem-pole (as in carved by an artist) p-p 4701 chip-amp (the best sounding gain clone i've heard to date) driven with a highly tweaked Pioneer thrift-store special...



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Those are some great photo's. I really had a great time and I'd like to thank you and especially Ruth for all the effort that went into providing an arena for a bunch of Audio Fanatics. I have to admit that it was a great meet. Wonderful people, really cool equipment, good music AND some of the best food it's ever been my pleasure to eat. I really liked the Elk burgers and kabobs, the bean salad was too good (I had 3 helpings when nobody was watching) and a whole lot more, some of which I never got to try as I was completely stuffed.
Dave and Ruth even packed a lunch for me to take on the ferry. Good thing too, as I had to wait all day in the line to get on.
I got to the ferry dock at 11:30AM and just got home about 35 minutes ago (it's 2:28 PM PST). Certainly a long day.
For what it's worth, I liked Jesse's complete homebuilt system the best. Very impressive to say the least. But there was so much really nice equipment there that it would be really is hard to fault any of it.
So in recognition of the whole event, by the power invested in me by divine design, I am proud to award the hosts and participants the first-ever "TerryO WOW Award".
Best Regards,
WOW - coming from a man of statuesque modesty and famously so few words, that's quite a compliment!

Terry, have you ever attended a show with all your projects finished? After a few hours of break-in, I had to admit the little Vifas sounded quite fine (for a 2-way!)
Joined 2001
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Our 1st award :)

I only got the 1 picture of the speakers Terry brought (he actually brought a pile of pieces and spent a couple hours assembling them). A little 2-way in the frugal-phile(tm) spirit, with series XO, except for the telegraphing of the missing R in the tweeter circuit, they were right wonderful.



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