Pictures & Report: '06 Vancouver Island diyFEST

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Joined 2001
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Talk about buried in kit... Chris doing something (hooking up the Cole), "helped" by Jeff & Kim.


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Re: Looks like I missed a good one

3-LockBox said:


I though to myself, "today is a good day to drink some beer and listen to some odd looking speakers". And it looks like I was right. I hope to get another shot at it next year.

(TerryO: It was, you were and you should!)

Looks like it was a blast.

(TerryO: It far, far better than that !)

BTW: I look much younger than many of you.

(TerryO: Yeah, I have the same problem, but they never made a big issue of it.)

Joined 2001
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Here we have a view of the BottleHead 300B amps behind the Silver Iris. Buschhorn IIs with FE108eS at the bottom left (they went unplayed, but did go home with a pair of modded FE126), a Jon Risch power "cleanser" (built by Bent?), and over by the green milk-crate the installation of the neofones under way.



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Joined 2001
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And here the Silver Iris with no crowd in the way... Frank is a good 6 feet -- gives you an idea of the size... these actually overwhelm my listening room a bit (~1000 ft^2, with sloped ceilings averaging 12')... outside they were a treat -- big and ballsy and room filling (althou in the back of your head you always want a bit more mid -- a particular problem if you are big into female vocals -- now if someone will just let me at their SIs)


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planet10 said:
Here we have a view of the BottleHead 300B amps behind the Silver Iris. Buschhorn IIs with FE108eS at the bottom left (they went unplayed, but did go home with a pair of modded FE126), a Jon Risch power "cleanser" (built by Bent?), and over by the green milk-crate the installation of the neofones under way.


I like the looks of these tube amp's Wonder if i could create something similar with what i have.
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