Pictures & Report: '06 Vancouver Island diyFEST

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a grainy close-up of Chris' stealth Foreplay (in the guise of a late 70s Japanese SS pre-amp, and Jason's DAC which, essentially, features a 6DJ8 foreplay analog section... Jason -- how much is that DAC worth?


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Joined 2001
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pinkmouse said:
Looking at that lot, it would seem that it's illegal to build a speaker with any more than one driver in Canada! :)

In actual fact there were 2 2-ways at the Fest (and a few that didn't see the light of day)... the Silver Iris only look like 1 driver...

Full Ranges & small tube amps did rule the day thou...


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mea culpa maties:

Chatting with Dave (capt'n of the good ship Planet10) this afternoon, it looks like I misremembered hearing the Visaton B200s this weekend - what we were listening to was the little Korean "Sounds of Music" full rangers that he received as a sample quite some time ago.

They still floated my little man in the boat more than the other 2 open baffle systems.

What I maintain to remember correctly in the sensory perspective, if not the temporal, was a brief comparison some time back of the SI15 and the B200 - same results.
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with the fresh out of the box neophones the little chinese PP EL84 amp worked better (seen here in the dark about 11 PM). After Bob 7 Frank left with the main system, we hooked up the Toob-i-fied Technics tuner with Magnum DynaLab dipole antenna and pulled in some really good blues from KPLU in Tacoma (many miles away)



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planet10 said:
with the fresh out of the box neophones the little chinese PP EL84 amp worked better (seen here in the dark about 11 PM). After Bob 7 Frank left with the main system, we hooked up the Toob-i-fied Technics tuner with Magnum DynaLab dipole antenna and pulled in some really good blues from KPLU in Tacoma (many miles away)


you missed some pretty fine a capella and geetar picking around 11:30 - the programming was particularly tasty that evening

note: "Toob-i-fied" is a registered trademark of Gregg the Geek (Classic Valve Design) :) and damn but does it sound fine - and looks specially cool on a unit that allows for sidelighting of the glass/plastic panel with blue LEDs
Looks like I missed a good one

I had familial obligations but as I peered into the cloudless sky I though to myself, "today is a good day to drink some beer and listen to some odd looking speakers". And it looks like I was right. I hope to get another shot at it next year.

Looks like it was a blast.

BTW: I look much younger than many of you.
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SY said:
What that needs is some red LEDs shining up under the output tubes.

The Scott is scheduled to try on some LEDs at some point... we just got the diyAudio valve CCS working under the LTP (thanx Gregg). This is currently running resistor-strapped triode Class A.

[Man, I have to make this event next year.

You do...



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