PIEZO NXT type panel

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In AkAbak you can open the associated dialog (for example DMPanel, Exciter,...) by setting the cursor in the script editor in the line of the function and clicking the "Current Element" button (it's the 7th button from the left).
current element.jpg

It seems there is also the possibility to include diffraction effects to the simulation of the radiating element "DMPanel".
AkAbak dialog.jpg

I have found an investigation about PU-foam sandwich panels:
View attachment Foam Panels.pdf

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Anyone tried pushpull NXT's on either side of the same singular panel?

Or pushpush monopole, magnet backs glued together, abusing twin
opposing panels? What happens in the gap between, does this load
as a diffraction slot terminated circumferential horn (sorta like JBL

What happens if you clip two opposing corners, as one might do to
slightly broadband a patch antenna?

What if one were to line array the front and/or back of a panel
with these transducers? Not exactly down the centerline, but
in a line canted slightly offcenter, for resonant diversity...

I now own 16 transducers, and confronted by too many options.
What if one were to line array the front and/or back of a panel
with these transducers? Not exactly down the centerline, but
in a line canted slightly offcenter, for resonant diversity...

Amina had such a design a few years ago (it's currently not on their homepage anymore).
It's data:
100cm x 20cm x 3,5cm
closed back
180° x 25° HxV dispersion
92dB efficiency
125W (80Hz HP required)
200Hz-20kHz +/-5dB
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While searching for panel material, I ran across this Honeycomb Panels, Foam Core Panels, Lightweight Panels

PH Series: Phenolic Backer Sheet Honeycomb Panels

The PH series honeycomb panels feature phenolic backer sheet faces and cores of aluminum or paper honeycomb. Backer sheet is available in thicknesses of .020", .032", and .049". Lightweight panels for use where appearance or high strength are not priorities.

Panel thickness 1/2" to 3" in increments of .02"
FACES: Phenolic backer sheet
CORE: 60-60-15 Kraft paper HC 3/8" cell
Panel thickness 1/4" to 3" in increments of .002"
FACES: Phenolic backer sheet
CORE: ALH-CG 1/4", 3/8" or 1/2" cell

Flat Speaker Components
Stiffener Panels
Graphic Backings
Table and Countertop and Door Blanks
Electronic Whiteboard Backers

Here is a link to the mechanical properties. http://www.panelteccorp.com/html/paper-mechanical-properties.pdf
Elmers board (Wallmart) is definately inferior to Gatorboard, but also dirt cheap.
Since I had bought some before seeing real Gatorboard, I wondered if a coat of
Shellac might stiffen the covering layer enough make it more competitive?

Well, after letting a whole can of Rustoleum clear spray lacquer soak in and dry...
The difference is real, but not yet significant. I probably should have gone for
a brush-on Shellac. Something with a much heavier cut...

Whatever material they maker Gatorboard of? Still weighs more than one whole
spray can added to the Elmers.
1st post

Got two sets of PE 5$ exciters and two 20” x 30” foam boards today.
Doubled sided taped them together and hung with 3m decorating clips and fishing line 4 feet out from corner.

These things sound better than two pieces of foam have a right too! I would go as far to say these are the worlds best 16$ speakers. I am going to photograph my *** and replace a buddies bookshelf polks with this set while he is at work.

I have already ordered 6 sets and located 40”x60” foam board which I will cut in ½ for 20”x60” panels . 12ft of oak railing and two cutting boards will complete the package .
The backs of the exciters will be glued to the flat side of the oak rail and the panel will free float . Poor mans Maggies for the game room ~100$
another newbie ..

Hello All
I dont normally post on forums and this is a first for me.. I have been experimenting with exciters since buying 4 nxt soundpads which I used to take on holidays with my t amp and stick to everything from pringles cartons to drawers..
I have just finished a new set , they are made from packing foam polysterene sheet about 6 mm which I lminated with a cut up emergency car windscreen .. kind of mylar material I used spray glue to laminate end resut being very light and stiff.rounded the edges
I used coppr sheet to hold the eciters in place and one large piece of copper sheet as a stifener and as an experiment to increase to surface ara of the exciter
Although new to forums I have owned a wide range of hifi including altec dual 15s and KT 66 valve amps .. more recently I am using a panasonic sr45 chip reciever with a modified PSP1 1001 as te cd player
The sound is excellent to the extent I replaced my canon mushroom speakers with my diy efforts.I have a couple of Gallo 12"subs for the bass ..
previously I tried squirting foam filler into corragated PVC ceiling panels , messy business I dont recommend..
Next I an going to try the following - mixing zeolite corn starch to make a kind of natural foam filling I nicked the idea from a patent I read ..then use it inbetween some kind of honeycomb perhaps bee keeping panels..
I will post some pics of my handywork they are about 6cm by 3 cm
next step is to use some spring steel or similar to bend them slightly after another idea I pinched hope someone likes the use of copper sheet it seems to hold them in place and add something to the sound I feel ..
Load some pics tomorrow if anyone is interested ,, enjoy the forum and all the input into diy panels
Best Jim
White Monsters

An externally hosted image should be here but it was not working when we last tested it.

An externally hosted image should be here but it was not working when we last tested it.

An externally hosted image should be here but it was not working when we last tested it.

24 x 60 gatorfoam , 6 exciters per panel top two with caps left on. Top 3 in series bottom 3 in series, top and bottom in parallel with scrounged jbl tweeters/ lpad

They sound real good with my sub. Now all I need to do is ad a pair of Tymphany LAT250 transducers so they can operate on their own downstairs.

Great pics..

Hi jrcanoe
Liked the pics , thanks for the link to tymphany transducers as well
What about a support frame for the panel that is also a tapped horn like william cowan except for the tymphany transducers and very thin?
Hope it is not off topic as I am still working out best etiquette for the forum as I am new so advice is ok , heres some pics of my efforts including some honeycomb cardboard i found to play with..Jim its very loud ! going to tung oil it .


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Has anyone tried using fiberglass resin to coat the cardboard and make seal all edges?

It's funny timing that I found this thread today. I picked up some cardboard like diydoc's pic above yesterday, but with a smaller "comb" size. I'm planning on slathering several coats of resin, then adding fiberglass mat on top of that to stiffen in all planes, and make it all a bit more presentable.
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