Pioneer makes TH

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Well sort of. XY Series XY-3B | PIONEERPROAUDIO

Someone sooner or later was bound to do it. As the Danley patent/s were unknowingly similar to patents granted decades ago !

And their mid/top boxes incorporate a TurboSound type of phase plug. Different & seemingly better. Of course, since the TS patent expired a number of years ago, anyone is now free to use it.

From what i've read, these Pioneer systems are being installed in lots of clubs etc. A venue not too far from me has one, so i'll get around to listening to it in the near future & report back.


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Zero D,

Thank you for pointing those out. We actually discussed those in another thread, and about their parent (20 y/o) TurboSound based technology.

The other Pioneer pro-club install line (G-Wave, I think) utilizes the bent-fin tweeter lens tech seen on 1970's JBL designs. What is old is new again.

I will say someone at Pioneer got real serious about penetrating the small/mid-size installed market! They're using topshelf (B&C) drivers and high-spec Mid/Hi horn alignments.

But have you seen the MSRP's on that gear!
They're cost competing with top-tier mfg's who have long established reputations. So much for price-stepping into the segment, no they just jumped in head-first! They do enjoy a strong brand presence in the DJ crowd due to midi-controllers and ancillary equipment. That ploy may pay off with club owners seeking to appease big name DJ's via brand association?

Time will tell how that works out for them.

BTW, and I could be wrong on this-
Those KA-3B dual-12 tops are strictly meant for use with their matching large format subs. TH alignment on midbass drivers transitioning to a single 8" mid (limited low mids) could be difficult. The pseudo whatever alingnent they utilized probably was the best compromise, with the side benefit of mild vertical midbass beam shaping. Getting that midbass punch on the club dance floor is gold.
Speaking of club gold,

I could tell you stories of walking into new clubs with bartenders running hodgepodge sys screaming away and empty dance floors!

Walls lined with mis-matched pro-consumer subs and the ceiling surrounded by 2/3" large format horns. Ear bleeding would be a nice way of explaining it.

With some simple instuctions: turn off the monster stadium horns altogether, use only the four flown mains, pick the best performing (matching) subs only and maxing their gain - and here's the amazing part, said bartender/sound tech actually listened (they like the bar tips after all), this 50 x 80ft dance floor was filling up in minutes after the re-cfg. Because they actually had some bass, and the mids weren't melting people's faces off.

Believe it or not, club sound is kind of an art. You want massive visceral base, intelligible mids and highs, yet subdued enough for the meatmarket participants to exchange their pickup lines.
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@ Sublimacon

Hi, what another thread ? Link please

Yeah the Wave series uses that technique. It's the new black :D Well, if it works it works !

I have seen the MSRP's on that gear. = Mental :eek:

@ tonskulus

BP1Fanatic says it IS a TH


@ turk 182

I've looked at various PDF's they provide, & don't see it either ! Maybe it's in the powersoft Amps software settings ?
Zero D,

We sort of started chatting about them in the "NIMBY" thread, bottom of post #18.

About the finned lens: Yeah, they actually do work well!
It offers really good horizontal dispersion.
I think they fell out of favor due to being fragile, and looking like a giant heatsink.
The picture in the first post is no TH, it´s a ported Box...

I see something similar to Cubo series which they call hybrid horn what ever it is. Even tho cubo has longer horn path, I have measured some cubos and only two impedance peaks appeared = reflex, Tapped horn has 3 peaks clearly visible. Cubo is indeed loud above 50Hz, louder than same driver in standard reflex enclosure. Cannot tell why, maybe it has something to do with larger radiating area / mouth, better coupling to air? However, horn path itself is just too short to make any real "horn effect".
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Longer vent gives 1/4 wave low end boost effect. Depend of course of mass-size of driver, volume of enclosure...Etc. And longer path give you again more, but need more powerful speaker more. And you have to deal with port resonnance.
Not always need to do the usual increasing segments TH to have this effect.
I play too much with hornresp ^^
Originally Posted by Sabbelbacke

The picture in the first post is no TH, it´s a ported Box...

OK, Thanx :)

Originally Posted by Sublimacon

We sort of started chatting about them in the "NIMBY" thread, bottom of post #18.

Thanx, i'll take look :)

Originally Posted by tonskulus

only two impedance peaks appeared = reflex, Tapped horn has 3 peaks clearly visible.

Good point :)
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