Practical Implementations of Alternative Post-DAC Filtering

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But we may not yet have the tech to measure the difference.


And that may well be true. But I took a risk in the beginning and I might as well take another one.

So with a 'little help from my friends' let us try to see if we have the tools. If that -1dB @ 20KHz 'corner' can be captured in a measurement, then it is a slam dunk. It cannot be argued against as it would be so a specific outcome that any doubt would be erased.

Once again, I put myself up for failure - but at least let no-one question my courage... he says as they slid the noose around his neck. :D

Joined 2014
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Joe Rasmussen;4468126 If that [B said:
-1dB @ 20KHz 'corner'[/B] can be captured in a measurement, then it is a slam dunk. It cannot be argued against as it would be so a specific outcome that any doubt would be erased.

erm. Nope. Seen that, according to you a -1dB 20KHz corner either in the digital domain or outside the DAC does not produce the 'magic' merely measuring that proves nothing. Given DS DACS produce large amounts of ultrasonic noise and its very possible what you are doing is reducing that a wideband measurement is required. How wide I personally lack the knowledge to say, but many on here do know that.
Good lord, Scott only mentioned -1dB when he questioned your assertion. You are very gifted at twisting other's words to your purpose.

No, no. The die is cast -1dB at 20k vs flat to 20k, -1db at 30k no difference no "effect". After all it's obvious and surprising.

I'm only trying to get a handle on what is claimed, AFAIK the -1dB at 20k is part of the magic so I suggested move the 3R3 resistors to 1R8 and repeat a fair blind listening test. I'm only taking the OP's words as stated.

As a side issue, I surmise the "hook" here is doing the wrong thing by rolling off the response closer to 20k than necessary so make it a little higher and the mojo is lost or not ?
No peeking.
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So with a 'little help from my friends' let us try to see if we have the tools. If that -1dB @ 20KHz 'corner' can be captured in a measurement, then it is a slam dunk. It cannot be argued against as it would be so a specific outcome that any doubt would be erased.

Exactly what is it that you want to capture? Where did this "corner" idea come from? (Hint: not from Scott W). What would, in your mind, constitute a "slam dunk"? What, in short, are you talking about?
...I think if we could capture the 'event' that has been perceived, then it would be a slam dunk. As Steve has said, you can't argue hard data. Even Scott has rightly honed in on the target -1dB @ 20KHz, there is some kind of 'corner' or 'knee' happening.
Joe, can you confirm what I surmised from your Posts #1 thru #6 that the -1dB @ 20kHz can be Eq'd out downstream somewhere and the desired effect is retained?
… I think that the key point is that we both would describe the effect as being subjectively beneficial to the music. That's the essence of what's been reported.
I wasn’t questioning your subjective evaluation. I was merely using your report to question the Coris comment that the sound quality isn’t different just the soundstage, because you evidently felt there was a significant difference in the sound quality.
I'm sure that is not accidental. In fact, there are no goalposts, they are an illusion! "This is not the effect you are looking for."

Stereophonic sound reproduction itself is an illusion. I suspect that you instead meant something more like, goalposts are absent. However, a tangible frame of reference has been made available from the start, one which most here appear steadfastly unwilling to examine for themselves. Which is the simple low cost experiments of post #1. Perhaps, energies would be more productively spent on conducting one of the experiments,in question, rather than be wasted in unproductive frustration.
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