QCC5125 and QCC3034\QCC3031 programming

So I have 3 TinySine TSA6179A Bluetooth modules with the QCC3031 chip. I am wanting to make a multipoint 2.1 system where I have 2 wireless speakers for L and R and a wireless mono sub. I am trying to configure the master (sub) to automatically enter BA broadcast mode on power on and the slave (L/R) modules to automatically enter BA receiver mode. Can anyone provide the steps to do this? I believe it can be done by configuring the events in the ADK Config. Tool, but I have not been able to get anything to work.

Note: I am using Wondom JAB3 amplifiers with the ADAU1701. The audio routing will be taken care of in the DSP, so I do not need to worry about that in the QCC3031 configuration.