Rogers 3 5A diy kits

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Joined 2011
where do you live ss4927?

The continuum is pretty as cheap as possible. Jeff bagby have went thue 3 design using different driver before being satisfied with the continuum. It won the midwest 2012 event and pretty much anyone who heard them, or mostly any jeff bagby design, have all seem to be extremely satisfied (you can count me in as well).

Its hard to not be satisfied with the continuum, they really are high end. Besides the bass capabilities, I prefer the continuum to my three way system for sure. They are a pure fun speaker, musical, defined with a lot of details!
where do you live ss4927?

The continuum is pretty as cheap as possible. Jeff bagby have went thue 3 design using different driver before being satisfied with the continuum. It won the midwest 2012 event and pretty much anyone who heard them, or mostly any jeff bagby design, have all seem to be extremely satisfied (you can count me in as well).

Its hard to not be satisfied with the continuum, they really are high end. Besides the bass capabilities, I prefer the continuum to my three way system for sure.

I live in toronto. What kind of 3 way speakers do you have? Im using some and its been a good long while since theyve been bumped for a change.
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Joined 2011
lol of course but I prefer the integration between the bass/mids and tweeter of the continuum. They image maybe a tiny bit less, but the coherancy of the continuum is really special so far. The midrange of the continuum may be less detailed then the audax and sound less big and less tactil sounding, but its still amazingly clear and good midrange. I am comparing a legendary midrange that doesnt do any bass to the continuum so its not totally fair, but I can still say that the mid of the continuum betters all my previous speakers besides my three way and arent lacking in any way.
They are definitely high end meaning that they beat any of my studio monitors like focal cms 50, behringer b series, various full range like fe127en, MA alpair 12p, all of which I have had in the past.

Its been a long time Ive heard the wilson audio cubs 2, but the sound is pretty much in this kinda of realm. Hi-end for sure.

I doubt you will be dissatisfied with them. I dont even use a sub right now, and I could since its plugged and ready to go, I just dont care right now, the bass is all there for 95% of the time.

Limitation will be SPL wise. The continuum IS limited to spl and bass capabilities, and compared to my three way is not fair, but the bass of a 12 inch cannot compete with the continuum of course The continuum almost can punch in your chest, almost. That said, the bass on the continuum is good, really good and defined and clear. The highs of the continuum is really really good, its hard to want more really. The dissappear, image well are unfatiguing, musical. I love them and are the end game for me in my HT/computer system. They have tons of details: compared to my hd-50 headphones, they show pretty much the same amount of details and at low volume, the continuum is well composed and still delivers everything which is really important for me. My three way sounds a bit less focused at low level, not the continuum.

I promised my self I will not get another 2 way for 5 years, and it wont be hard to reist with the continuum... but I havent limited my self for three ways :)

In which way do you preffer them cause isnt that kind of like comparing apples to grate fruits?
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lol of course but I prefer the integration between the bass/mids and tweeter of the continuum. They image maybe a tiny bit less, but the coherancy of the continuum is really special so far. The midrange of the continuum may be less detailed then the audax and sound less big and less tactil sounding, but its still amazingly clear and good midrange. I am comparing a legendary midrange that doesnt do any bass to the continuum so its not totally fair, but I can still say that the mid of the continuum betters all my previous speakers besides my three way and arent lacking in any way.
They are definitely high end meaning that they beat any of my studio monitors like focal cms 50, behringer b series, various full range like fe127en, MA alpair 12p, all of which I have had in the past.

Its been a long time Ive heard the wilson audio cubs 2, but the sound is pretty much in this kinda of realm. Hi-end for sure.

I doubt you will be dissatisfied with them. I dont even use a sub right now, and I could since its plugged and ready to go, I just dont care right now, the bass is all there for 95% of the time.

Limitation will be SPL wise. The continuum IS limited to spl and bass capabilities, and compared to my three way is not fair, but the bass of a 12 inch cannot compete with the continuum of course The continuum almost can punch in your chest, almost. That said, the bass on the continuum is good, really good and defined and clear. The highs of the continuum is really really good, its hard to want more really. The dissappear, image well are unfatiguing, musical. I love them and are the end game for me in my HT/computer system. They have tons of details: compared to my hd-50 headphones, they show pretty much the same amount of details and at low volume, the continuum is well composed and still delivers everything.


Clear and defined bass...ahh sealed speakers :D

There is a DIY sub kit as you probably know, built around the original. But that was a long time ago, I believe it was ported. A sealed (or 2) might integrate a lot better with them.

I must say along with the high regards they receive I find there looks a smash, and the fact that they offer such sound and are so small adds to there novelty and charm.

They can be made to look quite high end and so good looking as in these other examples. If the builders ever get to read this I compliment you greatly on the craftsmanship there beautiful


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The Graham Audio unit may have a complex crossover because of the need to match it as closely as possible with existing BBC units. For the Beeb, consistency between units is almost more important than anything else.

Stirling Broadcast have their own version of the LS3/6

Stirling Broadcast BBC LS3/6 loudspeaker |

BBC studios I've been in lately have been using Harbeths.
Not sure what you would want to delete and why?

Only because I mistook some info and realized only after I had entered my post.

I would just like to say that I'm with you on paper cones. Recently is my first time with treated paper and I am pretty sure that in part adds to the natural sound of percussion instruments especially. Prior I was along with the way of thinking its old tech how could it sound better :rolleyes:
There's been a lot of work in paper cones in recent years to advance performance. The original move to plastics was in part to maintain consistency, especially in different climates, but with improved coatings and manufacturing processes paper has caught up. As with all materials, it's how it's used, whether it's used appropriately etc.
Paper has NOT caught up with polypropylene or it's mineral filled derivatives. It's an entirely different animal. Plastic cones have an inherent self-damping that makes crossover work easier. You will end up with a very different sound.

I would define plastic cones as having a very smooth sound, perhaps missing the attack or slam of paper cones. You can get some understanding of cone damping from Klippel: Vibration analysis

It's interesting what Mark Hennessey says about the two-way 8" versions of the BBC approach:
Sound quality

At the time, I found that the '7s had all the qualities that I liked about the LS3/5As, but with a extra octave of bass. The thing against the LS7s was their size, mainly because the room I was renting was only 12 by 8 feet, but I knew I wouldn't be there for the rest of my life...
Rogers Loudspeakers › LS7

Stirling Broadcast are making the SB88 which is in the same tradition: Stirling Broadcast - LARGEST STOCK OF USED/EX-DEMO/END OF LINE BROADCAST EQUIPMENT IN EUROPE !

You can also read about the Spendor BC1 here: Spendor BC1

I wouldn't put all that effort into an undersized LS3/5A clone. Go the whole hog, and try the 8" bass version. This SEAS U22REX/P-SL wouldn't be a bad start: H1659-08 U22REX/P-SL

I think I could tune that one by ear. It's made for a 3kHz crossover. :)
Having owned the LS3/5A, LS7t and Studio 1A, my opinion is that the best sounding and most satisfiying to listen to were the LS3/5A.

The two later speakers are both reflex and I found it very difficult to position them otherwise the bass was lacking.

I then had a pair of ATC SCM11 which I found sounded muffled compared with the LS3/5A but excelled in all other areas.
Joined 2014
Paid Member
So what is the consensus on the correct frequency response for an LS3/5a. If you read the BBC paper on the original prototypes those were lacking the low and high frequency 'humps' that appeared in later production and drove the design of generations of 'british-style' minimonitors. There was a shoot out many years ago in Hifi news where they got access to the original prototypes and they were considered superior to all other available samples.

Makes me wonder if those of us of a certain age and nationality were sent off in the wrong direction for many years?
Hi Steve - I think Scan-Speak might disagree about paper cones not having caught up. Their high end drivers use paper or alloy cone materials, leaving polypropylene for the lower end ranges.

I noticed that while searching for speakers, like the revelator uses sliced paper cone technology. This sounds like it counteracts the gripe he has with paper.

The sliced paper cone technology represented a breakthrough in midrange clarity and overall smooth frequency response characteristics. The slices are filled with damping glue, which dramatically reduce break-up modes in the diaphragm.
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