SB Acoustics Textreme

Mmm. It's all well and good to champion the cause of large woofers and large speakers in general, but for all their undoubted advantages, if you don't actually have the space or the aesthetic freedom to employ them, they aren't a great deal of use to you. ;) Some people use modest sized standmounts because that's what they have to use, and indeed, some prefer them out of choice anyway for a variety of reasons. It really is as simple as that. Criticising a 6in midbass for not being something different is like criticisng a Basset Hound for not being an Irish Setter.

Speaking for myself, I'm still hoping the production version of that / those tweeters have a better top end response than indicated on the data sheets as of the current date.
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To does who worried about the weave lining up with the screw holes, we got a picture showing that they line up :)


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new website is up

i do not know, but to me the textreme do not look that good, the shelf in the freq response, will that be easy to handle with a passive crossover?
If you want a flat response (neutral), having a driver that naturally has this is an excellent start. Its one thing to have a slope (role off) on the tweeter, the remaining frequency band down to 20ish hertz should ideally be flat.
But if you are of a different opinion, then you need to look for a driver that has a profile (flavor) that better suits your need.
Has anyone else noticed the updated frequency response plots for the textreme woofer? These are awful compared to the preliminary measurements a while back. Honking great big cone edge resonance, with associated impedance bobble, slap bang where you don't want it. The whole point of the textreme was for it to be rigid enough to do away with this. Now it just seems like a waste of space. Why bother if it's got the same main gripe as the paper cone?