SB Acoustics Textreme

Interesting article, I had not seen that. However it does not describe the possible layups that might be used in a speaker diaphragm.

At this point, I now notice the SB Acoustics website is still screwed up. The website for TW29TXN-B-8 shows a response with a dip at 12k, but the pdf download shows a completely different response which is well behaved past 20k... so I don't want to make any judgments until they get their website straightened out.
Do you use an ad-blocker?
I encounter no issues whatsoever while browsing the site.

The TeXtreme drivers are listed in the "coming soon" section.


  • SB-Acoustics Coming Soon.jpg
    SB-Acoustics Coming Soon.jpg
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It would also imply that I have issues all the time, which is not the case, it was specific to the SB main page. I say "was", because it seems to be fixed now. Anyway.. back on topic.

I think the looks of these things are quite hideous. Best hidden inside of a compression driver like Eminence does ;) Buy I bet Bagpipes will sound very good on these :p
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So far, only a few brands use Endumax cones. Pylon, the Polish manufacturer of the MTM speakers and the driver shown on the previous page, is an early adopter of Endumax.

Here's a review of Pylon 2.5 way loudspeakers with those tiny PSW 17.8 EXA Endumax woofers, including lots of measurement data. In Italian, so you might want to use google translate.

Here's the factory freq. response curve of the (slightly) bigger brother, the PSW 18.8 EXS:


  • PSW 18.8 EXS 1 Response.jpg
    PSW 18.8 EXS 1 Response.jpg
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V shaped, so far from flat. Lots of stored energy and an indication of internal reflections. They could have matched the tweeter and woofer much better which is fairly simple and would result in a much better transition. Its going to sound overly bright with the -5-6dB dip at 2,5-5kHz.. that is not just a dip, that is a plateau. The tweeter is also of old design (SEAS) but is certainly not obsolete. I have seen this tweeter (27TDC) implemented well and is a sure pick.

Pylon does average loudspeakers, but the XO needs an overhaul. It would be interesting to see the driver behavior on an SBA motor.
Canadian Solen have listed the;
MW16TX-8 as $390 cad / $294 usd / €270 euro .. each.
TW29TXN-8 as $321 cad / $242 usd / €222 euro ... each (for that I can get a beryllium tweeter)

The Satori MW16PNW-8 cost $220 cad / $165 usd / €152 euro ... each.

The TeXtreme demand a +77% increase. Dang...