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SEN / CEN All JFET IV Converter Evaluation Pack

2SK369V matched set payment status as below.
David Fritzgerald____Sent
necplusultra____NOT paid
qusp_____NOT paid
thorstenlarsen___NOT paid
I'll send out those paid at the 2nd Feb. 2012 as last notice now.
Mark has been extremely busy and has not been following the threads closely.
Our apologies.

2SK369V matched set payment status as below.

After these current actions, all contacts will go through gogowatch so that Mark can has a break to concenrtrate on his business and family.

i've started putting together a modified Jung reference from his paper build an ultra-low-noise voltage reference. will see how i go with it because its designed for >10 using the reference in the BOM. ive had much of my workshop packed in desiccant for the last week and a half due to my workshop flooding and getting crazy rain, didnt want a repeat of last year so i packed it up. so back on the horse after a trying week and i hope to present a simple reference using a LT ref and opa1641, as well as the jung design provided i can get the AD797 stable without a proper PCB at unity gain in the coming week.

i'm building this ahead of schedule before its needed, for the groups benefit, my appologies for the extra time, but i ask for your patience.

Please PM MarkLai for Payment details if you still want to have a set.



BTW, will there be any adverse effects from using 2x9.6V NiMH battery packs per CEN/SEN apart from a little higher dissapation? 9.6V packs last significantly longer than regular 9V (8.4V) NiMH batteries, so they seem like a much more attractive solution.