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SEN / CEN All JFET IV Converter Evaluation Pack

Joined 2009
Paid Member

I have four doubles K389V, can be used in the GB pcb?



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> Wich Idss, transconductance, etc. must have the 2SK369

For ES9018 the answer is yes, you should use 2SK369 only, either BL or V.
If you want to understand the reasons (or how the circuit works), some has been explained in the SEN IV thread at the digital forum, but in much more detail in Volume 2 of Jan Didden's Linear Audio.

I have a few PMs asking for availability of the 2 kits.

Yes, we shall continue to make them available and support them.
We have also acquired extra 2SK369Vs to support the SEN V18 build specifically.
The only thing we cannot support continuously is 1SJ74 matched pairs in discounted prices.
But you can still get them at same price from Spencer, and he has a larger pool to match from.
So we see no need for us to privide them overselves.

Thanks for your interest in the circuit and in our designs,
Announcement :

Due to high currency conversion charges by Paylpal, as well as recent instability of the Euro, after much considerations within the team, the team decide to follow Spencer and will only use the Hong Kong Dollar as the currency for all transactions from now on. This will help us to reduce our losses in currency conversion.

The HKD is pegged to the USD at about 1USD to 7.75HKD.
The current conversion to Euro is about 1€ to 10HKD.
This change will take immediate effect, and he hope will be permanent.

We apologise for any inconvenience.

I haven't seen any mention of this maybe "silly" idea but apart from the variation of output impedance, is there any particular reason why an LDR (Light Dependent Resistor, as per the LightSpeed Passive Vol Control) couldn't be used as the Riv in the Cen/Sen O/P stage?
It is relatively easy to "dial-up" a resistance from about 100R up to say, 1kR, 2kR etc that is typical for a 2mA O/P current dac chip - and matching in this range is fairly standard.