Setting up a PC-based multichannel DSP system

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I've just gotten started recently but I'm running JRiver MC 21 to a MiniDSP U-DAC8.

So far I just have 2 channels going to my sub amp and two channels going to my main speakers. So I'm using JRiver for the crossovers and a little bit of PEQ. I'm almost done building a pair of mid bass modules to bring up another two channels. Should be ready to hook them up by the end of this week.

Once I get those running with a basic setup I can listen to for a while, I want to figure out how to re-do my crossovers and PEQ as FIR.

Is Rephase what I should be looking at for that? I have REW up and running to where I can measure frequency response through the JRiver driver but it can't do FIR, right?

I see talk of both Rephase and HOLMImpulse in this thread. Will I need to figure out how to use both or will one or the other do what I'm likely to need?


To answer my own question for anyone else doing this with JRiver, the link below is a tremendous help.

Guide to Speaker/Room Correction Using Freeware and JRiver
Guenter, nice cabinet. Mine is from a local thrift store and the delivery cost more than the cabinet did :rolleyes:

After ordering the wrong thing from MiniDSP (a MiniStreamer); and finding out "no refunds", oh well, I ordered the correct thing (a USBStreamer) so I can do ADAT. After much fiddling, and about $350 invested (not counting idiot purchase of wrong items !) I am pleased to report I have JRiver playing and a basic crossover set up. There is a learning curve here, and I have much to learn. I may have finally found my very low noise Nirvana because of my Balanced outs on the "DAC" (a Behringer ADA8200).

Now, how to import REW data into there...

JRiver looks like a huge app, I just wanted to be able to play music :confused:

Sent from my NV570P using Tapatalk
Now I have a nearly all-Behringer system

:eek: Perhaps this is not to brag about, but hey it works and it gets loud if I want.

But no, I want to comment on how cheaply (or not quite so) the entire signal chain (PC -> speakers) can be done "stupid cheap" nowadays. Right now I'm working my bugs out of my new JRMC + ADA8200 DAC. The laptop running things is a <$200 buy. My "main" PC (Pipo X9) lists for about $150. I've not tried a Raspberry PI but they are what, $50? Point: the PC platform is super inexpensive; consider my laptop could even be my media library if I wanted; even a small hard disk is 100's of GB today; mine is mostly empty.

The software (player + DSP + ?) can be free ( = "Linux" ) or reasonable. I am still evaluating JRMC. I'll probably buy it. It costs a whopping $50. :p

No, the biggest expense in the system is going to be the DAC(s) and amplifiers. Even my disreputable Behringer system (DAC and amps) probably total ~ $800 when new. But a cheap HTR could bring that cost down to maybe $300 or even less.

In review, that means a multi-channel, actively-EQed system is within reach from as cheap as $450 (Windows based) up to say $1200.

OK, at the really low end my $30 Android phone, $20 class-D amp and ... but that won't rattle the rafters :mad:

We now conclude this pontification and return you to your regularly scheduled "let's add .01 msec to the midrange and see how it sounds" program :)
There is a very old plugin Foo_dsp_xover to Foobar. It works and is very easy to use, but it's not supported anymore. You can also use several VST plugins with a VST wrapper for foobar. I have tried this the last few days. But, the VST plugins are made for Synthezisers etc, and not specifically for crossover. It works and it's free, but compared to MiniDSP it's not very userfriendly.
Dear Charlie,

your Setup sounds very interesting and I think for an expert (everyone can become one!) ist easy to setup config files.

My Goal was to make all my needs cheap, that means with one PC and easy to use for everyone. Therefor the GUI is better then config files.

The "spaghettis" are a result of my channel Setup in JACK, with Crossover, Limiter, Equalizer and Analyser. Normally you don't need all of this. Ist nice to have and adjust Sound if you want. The limiter is good for high Level Sound. Most important is the Crossover channel mapping. Then it looks easy.

And of course I use one PC for all my needs .That means DSP, HTPC, Fileserver, ssh Server (to connect from outside).

Audio is via HDMI to the AV Receiver with 8 channel. DAC is done by the AVR.
2 channel for Bass
2 for Mid
2 for High
Connected directly to my Vulkan Chassis.
1 extra for an extra bass box. - I dont use it - maybe if we make a party.

That was for me the easiest and cheapest solution in combination.
PC I had and AVR cost me 80 EURO. The Vulkan was a gift from a friend (The analog crossovers are defect). So I get 2 Vulkan MK4 for 80 Euro with perfect Sound.

Next I will buy this odroid c2. Then I will see what I can do all with this mini PC


What about soundquality from HDMI - is it lossless or converted to DTS or some other surround format?
From my point of view it makes no sense to take a splitter.
You don't know the quality of this low budged splitter and the dac inside for the analog output.
And to put 8 Channel or 6 Channel PCM (up to 192 khz and 24 bit if wanted) in 5,1 spdif stream makes also no sense.
Better is to go directly in HDMI AVR and use its high quality dac.

I have monoblocks and don't intend to get a AVR, so I need either a good DAC/soundcard - or a HDMI splitter.

Thanks for the inspiration, by the way. I have a spare laptop, and have now setup the software and it works. I use windows XP, VSThost, VG asio bridge hifi cable and some different VST plug-ins from reaper and other VST stuf for testing. It's rather straightforward, and can be set-up in an hour the first time (with a good guide).

I can only say it again.

Standard PC with HDMI (onboard) -Most people have it
Ubuntu with KXStudio (or KXStudio standalone) - Free
Calf Studio Gear with 8 channel X-Over (plugin inside KXStudio) -Free

7.1 AV Receiver with HDMI (Ebay 150,-- Euro)

Thats all you Need

DSP and HTPC is done in the PC
DAC is done in the AV-Receiver (in my case Onkyo)

And the DAC Hardware in the AV-receiver is better then the most Audio Interfaces.

Best regards

Bump for a great thread and winner recipe!

However, I am wondering about delay and such if you have for instance a console or other device that you want to use occasionally.
Do you mean different delay for each channel?
This is possible to adjust with Calf x-over for room correction.

Or do you mean the delay in general between starting a playback and hearing it.
in this case there maybe a delay of some ms but I cannot recognize it.

If you use the limiter in calf you have for sure to adjust a delay.
But thats the same for all (also Hardware) limiters.

Do you mean different delay for each channel?
This is possible to adjust with Calf x-over for room correction.

Or do you mean the delay in general between starting a playback and hearing it.
in this case there maybe a delay of some ms but I cannot recognize it.

If you use the limiter in calf you have for sure to adjust a delay.
But thats the same for all (also Hardware) limiters.



I meant delay when taking audio from analog output of a source to the input of the computer to process the xo and such, when using a gaming console or similar. I tried this on my windows setup and the delay seems to vary a bit and I could not get it right, tried settings up to 174ms but with no success. It was very noticeable. Automatic setup suggested everything from 114 to 174, it was just "wrong". Most auto things on the tv are off, such as image enhancing and so on.

So long story short, try playing guitar hero or similar on a console with audio through the pc for processing, also very irritating on racing games like Forza.

Best regards
In KXStudio (and so JACK) latency can be adjusted.
First you have to use the lowlatency kernel (is set by default)
Then it is a balance between buffer size and getting xruns.
This will vary for each computer system.
For a fast system buffer can be smaller without getting xruns and so latency shorter.
For my system with a buffer size of 512 samples I don't get any xruns and have a latency of 12 ms. That is okay for my needs.
But I am sure I can take a smaller buffer size without xruns and then shorter latency. I have not tried yet.
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Cadence settings

Cadence settings


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This does not really answer my question, as the measured delay will most likely differ from the numbers you present. Inputs, processing and outputs induce delay. For instance, if I run my Steinberg (Yamaha) UR28M in headless mode (no need for computer to use inputs/outputs) the delay between input/output is 12ms which is very good, when connected to a computer for sw recording and processing purposes this value will increase by a significant amount. The UR28M can re-route audio very fast, but when sw is involved for filtering etc it is a different story. The standard audio jacks on the motherboard seem to have much worse delay for some reason unknown to me, and for example when routing from the motherboard jack input to the UR28M output the delay is so unpredictable I am having troubloe finding a specific value to set permanently.


I just read and re-read manuals on the RX-Vx81 line of receivers from Yamaha. Just sent an email to them regarding a "loophole" in the RX-V681/781, where it seems to be possible to connect passive subs to speaker outputs assigned for "Zone 2", connect input configured to "Zone 2" to the subwoofer outputs, set 24db/oct lpf for sub out, and use the bi-amp function for front speakers with hpf and passive xo for tweeter to create a 3way setup fully compatible with the YPAO function of the receiver!

And not only that! But if this works (eagerly awaiting response from Yamaha), all the inputs of the receiver will work without concern of any re-routing of audio! With a remote! And it says 110db s/n ratio or greater in the manual.
One box to conquer them all!

I'm not really a Yamaha fan, but maybe I'm becoming one pending on their answer.

Sorry about derailing the thread a bit.

Best regards.

I tried to simulate your situation to find a delay and lipsync value.
In my equipment also is a sound interface "Roland Edirol UA-25".
This I connected by USB to my KXStudio setup (PC1).
The UA-25 has a optical (TOS link) input port.
This port I connected to a second computers (PC2) soundcard.
I searched for a lipsync frame on youtube.
I played for example this stream on PC2:

I realy could find no subjective delay by playing this or also other test frames or videos.

In this case the whole connection chain was digital up to the AV-Receiver.

Loafmeat said:

I realy could find no subjective delay by playing this or also other test frames or videos.

In this case the whole connection chain was digital up to the AV-Receiver.


In my case it was an analog chain. So there must be several conversions along the line.

But in your example with a digital chain:
Good. I`ll take your word for it and assume that my problem is the analog chain, the source or m$, maybe all of the above.

Thank you for your time. :)
Reviving an old - but interesting - 3ad 'cause i'm approaching to multichannel amplification.

"zero to little cost"
Well the easiest/cheapest way (for listening digital-only music) is to use an HT amplifier, driven by a PC trough HDMI...

François Bourdon, the foo_dsp_xover author, replied that:
As for a " foo_dsp_xover + foobar2000 + HDMI interface + PC " feeding an HDMI amplifier it might already be possible. You have to configure your PC to make the HDMI interface audio appears as a multichannel sound card. If the WASAPI driver of the HDMI sound card does not do it directly, the ASIO4ALL universal ASIO driver might enable this. I have not tested this, it is just an hypothesis that could be investigated.

So I collected some interesting links that may inspire:
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