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Shanti Dual LPS 5V/3A , 5V/1.5A

Received the Shanti this weekend. Noticeable difference. More detail in the quiet passages.
Tighter bass. Better imaging. I didn't think it was possible that a PSU would have so much effect.
Looking for specifics on how to connect earth/ground screw to pi. I think I saw something to connect to pin 6. So with a dig-signature board somehow I attach a wire from pin 6? Any tips or photos would be appreciated.
Revolution Dac was sent for sound quality testing. Once we get the feedback we will release more details

Meanwhile , THD+N is stable at -114 (RCA) thats the limit of our AP. THD is at -120 to -124 (it went a bit down once both channels were connected)

Casing arrives this week and we will do a quick check.

Revolution DAC is coming but I cannot give a date yet. (or price)
Received the Shanti this weekend. Noticeable difference. More detail in the quiet passages.
Tighter bass. Better imaging. I didn't think it was possible that a PSU would have so much effect.
Looking for specifics on how to connect earth/ground screw to pi. I think I saw something to connect to pin 6. So with a dig-signature board somehow I attach a wire from pin 6? Any tips or photos would be appreciated.

What were your power sources before you connected Shanti ?
Thank you. Apologies if this seems a somewhat trivial detail in amongst all the development work but I had intended to box the USbridge/Katana set-up and realised that I needed to decide for or against Isolator before drilling holes for connectors. Further, if it is without Isolator then a good/safe separation distance between the first two boards needs to be arrived at and this is not immediately obvious.
Should there be an Allo 'official' case for this stack in the future (as has been suggested up-thread) then clearly there also needs to be a corresponding 'approved' set-up.

Hi Weaver

When we build the USbridge we envisioned the unit primarily as a streamer .

We did test the Katana with isolator but not without . I would recommend some type of thermal isolation betwen Usbridge and Katana (no isolator) since the analog stage (katana) gets to around 50C. Please note that it should not be a major problem since compenents are all rated at much higer C (especially electrolytics c)
Let me check the schematic again and I will see if I can suggest some modifications

Hi cdsgames, here's an idea I'd like to run by you. I'd like to bypass the Type-C connector on the clean side, and am considering replacing the caps near the input.

If not limited by board space and cost, what capacitor value(s) and type(s) would you recommend? Thank you!

I would ask what PSU are you using ? If you use a SMPS or LPS , I would add any CMC (with a capacitor before of at least 220uF and one ceramic cap) and the same after.

I would go for 500-1000uF in total.

I'm using Shanti to power my Digione Sig/RPi stack (soon to be Audiophile Pi). Just to be sure, by CMC do you mean common mode choke?

Thank you!
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It plays music :)
Cannot say anything about sq at this point. Will report later when i have spent more time.

I have now placed both power supply at the digione sig or is it better to connect power to the USBridge sig direct?

Would love to hear your impressions once the unit has settled =)

IIRC, Allo recommended connecting to the USBridge direct instead of the "dirty side".
In fact we have a case of USbridge Sig with Digione Sig holes...its available on ordering page

I guess i missed the option when i ordered.
No problem to drill a couple of extra holes.

For now i have connected ground to the pcb point (because back plate with ground connector is not mounted at this point) and connected power direct to the USBridge input.

Do i need to connect ground to digione sig board?