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Shanti Dual LPS 5V/3A , 5V/1.5A

I will compare my (working) settings with the allo image now..

Haha by comparing the settings I was able to solve the display issue in MY Image (hdmi port had to be enabled (besides the display))

The sound issue in ALLO Image persists. I could not find any difference to my working image.

Please just let me know what you change in the stock Moode Image (I read something about an additional driver?!) and than I will set up my own sd card.

With my card the USBridge is now working perfectly.

Thanks Tim I will contact you now.
Use the latest Moode image. Tim has already incorporated the updates driver. No need for a "specific" allo image (like in the beginning)

Please think about supporting free software .. if you want great (and cheap) hardware and great open source SW.

Allo is nothing...without people like Tim.

AT last , when you have a chance please describe the sound improvement ..if any

Start with the bad points ( I am sure there MUST be some) . Please take the time and listen carefully ..
Use the latest Moode image. Tim has already incorporated the updates driver. No need for a "specific" allo image (like in the beginning)

Thanks thats all I needed to know.

Though if Tim replys I'm still curious what the issue with the allo sd card is.

I will share my thoughts as soon as possible.

Cannot blast the speakers as its already late :D

Next up is replacing the phone charger (I just used it for 1st setup which did not work out as smoothly as I expected) with the Shanti...

Again big thanks to you, Ioan and Tim for the quick replies and support
As of today we are up to date in shipping in EU and India.

Thx you for you support , thx you for beliving in allo and thx you for being as crazy as I am.

We will not change. We will not bullXXXX .We will not settle. Second place is not first.

The best in the world...for a price thats in line with BOM.

Thats my promise, me Ioan, to you.
Thanks thats all I needed to know.

Though if Tim replys I'm still curious what the issue with the allo sd card is.

I will share my thoughts as soon as possible.

Cannot blast the speakers as its already late :D

Next up is replacing the phone charger (I just used it for 1st setup which did not work out as smoothly as I expected) with the Shanti...

Again big thanks to you, Ioan and Tim for the quick replies and support

Germany and France are almost ? same time zone. Its 10 pm.

Dust in the wind. Kansas.

"All we do , crumbles to the ground but we refuse to see"
Thanks thats all I needed to know.

Though if Tim replys I'm still curious what the issue with the allo sd card is.

I will share my thoughts as soon as possible.

Cannot blast the speakers as its already late :D

Next up is replacing the phone charger (I just used it for 1st setup which did not work out as smoothly as I expected) with the Shanti...

Again big thanks to you, Ioan and Tim for the quick replies and support


Thanks for emailing me. To recap my reply I tested with SIG + HDMI display + USB DAC (an old but still ok sounding ODAC), and I did not experience any issues.

For USB DAC's the two settings are:

1. Audio Config, I2S audio device = None
2. MPD Config, Device type = USB audio device

Great mo(o)de here!
Let me add to that...
First impressions on changing the RPI to USBridge sig with DigiOne sig that i allready had.
Is it better than the RPI?
The PcP beta did not work (i guess the lan driver) so i use dietpi with squeezelite instead.

Bad things first?... Well... The green led is a bit bright.

As for SQ i notice a improvement on many levels.
More detail and insight. There is more ease and the music seems more fluid and is more engaging.
Very nice!
I also use the Shanti power suppy.
That was also a nice step up a while back.
It replaced a (more expensive) mpAudio PS with snubber and a rvs sealed high grade audio torroid.
The Shanti is better, especially bringing back more dynamics.

I am very pleased with the first results!
Hi Mark

I will post tomorrow some graphs . I reduced the out of band noise bu carefully tuning some R , also using RC filters between IV stage and summing and using some type of filters before IV stage

I think that Jam knows more than I do... I just discovered it.

In any case , I was able to further reduce the out of band noise (and annoying sound) by reducing by 9 ohm a resistor ( and we looked at noise using a spectrum analyzer instead of CRO) spectrum analyzer is a magnitude more precise

Thing is that Greg was able to detect out of band noise at 7.6uV (900Khz) vs 6.60 uV and described it as "lifting a veil"

I reduced it to 5.63uV (900 Khz) but I alsi see improvement at 30Khz (so noise floor went slightly down)

I think that OPamp sound changes depending on HI frequency that its feed to it especially at higher frequency where opamp loses LPF capability
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Thing is that Greg was able to detect out of band noise at 7.6uV (900Khz) vs 6.60 uV and described it as "lifting a veil"

That can be the perceptual effect. Obviously, no one can hear 900kHz directly, but it is lower frequency RF yet within the range of some AP analyzers. What happens is that it interacts with other downstream electronics, most often by becoming demodulated in semiconductor junctions and causing audible distortion (even if not stationary enough to show up clearly on an FFT). I have fixed it in some of my dacs using twisted wires (or very close parallel wires) as distributed filters. Its one of the things that helps clean up the sound of an SD dac. Of course, Allo is already very good with the other things that need careful design.

That's my 2-cents, anyway :)
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There is a 1.5mm touching of the nut of "clean side barrel nut" to the PCB of Digione Sig. Slightly unscrew the side of top PCB digione (side thats closer to the DC barrel by about 2mm and it will stay on top of the nut.

That did it. Thanks very much. Now fully assembled and working. I'll give it a couple of days then post some listening impressions but initial reaction is very positive.

Thanks again.
Great mo(o)de here!
Let me add to that...
First impressions on changing the RPI to USBridge sig with DigiOne sig that i allready had.
Is it better than the RPI?
The PcP beta did not work (i guess the lan driver) so i use dietpi with squeezelite instead.

Thank you for the report! Can't wait to get back home and unpack my USBridge Sig =)

What happened when you booted with PcP beta? Were you unable to find the device due to ethernet drivers (or the lack thereof)?