Signalyst DSC1

Assuming you're referencing HQPlayer, two words, sound quality.

On room correction, HQP can do that 'on the fly' too so if your room changes you don't have to reconvert your music library.

And is HQP really that expensive given what many of us spend on a couple of capacitors and the like.

BTW, I run HQP but not on a Windows platform, I use AudioLinux;

AudioLinux - The audiophile realtime plug & play operative system

IIRC AudioLinux has a disciunted price for HQP, though you do need to pay for AudioLinux itself. I don't recall the numbers.
Please explain, how install AudioLinux on Beaglebone black? Саn I install Arch Linux and at the same time use AudioLinux packages?
Please explain, how install AudioLinux on Beaglebone black? Саn I install Arch Linux and at the same time use AudioLinux packages?

I don't use audiolinux on my BBB, I have installed Pavel's latest package using the botic7 kernel and use it as an HQPlayer NAA.

I use audiolinux on my music workstation/server where I run HQPlayer to convert my FLAC files to high data rate DSD.

There is a release of audiolinux for the BBB but I don't know what functionality it offers (for example, whether it has the botic kernel) and, anyway, I prefer to keep the BBB firmware lightweight. Check out the audiolinux website as there's information there about installing it.

BTW, audiolinux is based on ArchLinux.
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May I ask if you might consider as well a v2.1 where someone who has done his final decision which resistor type to use and solder them directly to the connectors in the signal path ?

I just did my Mouser order on the recommended tant resistors in the BOM...they are not really a bargain...old philips semis are as well on their way...this will become reality qiet soon...
even though it would be nice to feed the BBB with high quality clocks like in chronus/ ?

High quality clocks are used - NDK NZ2520SDA.

1. Why is the recommended approach to convert PCM to DSF realtime with a hefty PC ?
I know only one quality offline converter - Saracon
Its cost is 2000$ :eek: And the maximum DSD128 bitrate

2. When no real-time conversion necessary: No second Windows machine necessary, right ? So, are there any advantages of the not that cheap Hqplayer anymore ? Why not just use MPD/Alsa ?
There are no alternatives to the sound quality of HQPlayer. But you can use the free software Daphile. The quality of conversion is significantly worse.
In my latest firmware, it is possible to use MDP or AlbumPlayer via DLNA protocol to play DSD files. But while there are some limitations - MPD maximum DSD128. AlbumPlayer maximum DSD256 but there are still unsolved problems with the mute signal.
In future versions, these problems will be fixed, but this is not a priority task for me.

May I ask if you might consider as well a v2.1 where someone who has done his final decision which resistor type to use and solder them directly to the connectors in the signal path ?
I do not plan to change the existing design. This will require additional development and an increase in PCB size.
You can go two ways:
  1. Make version 2.6.2 or 2.5.2 (there are resistors installed on the board)
  2. Or for the latest version to order the manufacture of resistor PCB thickness 1.6mm or 2mm. Then they can be soldered to the motherboard without connectors.
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Great, thanks a lot for your answer...I am still learning.

OK, I guess I am going to order the PCBs a second time 2 mm thickness and 70um copper, no ?

When I understand you right, in theory a BBB--->FIFO2--->2.62 could work ? I believe your reclocker is not on board of the 2.6.2, right ? Not sure how to get the MC back to the BBB from the I prefer your v2 I guess...even though I am running my FIFO2 right now with some Pulsar oven clocks (45/49)....
and 70um copper, no ?
The thickness of the copper does not matter here.

When I understand you right, in theory a BBB--->FIFO2--->2.62 could work ? I believe your reclocker is not on board of the 2.6.2, right ?
Yeah, right. But if BBB is used with reverse synchronization, then the use of FIFO is redundant. Enough simple sync on flipflop. In this mode, the BBB itself performs the function of the FIFO.
Thanks a lot...By the way...can share a bit the output specs if no transformer is used ? As an example I am using a differential tube output stage with the differential BIII and as well with the SoekrisDam1941. As the output of the DAC goes directly to the grid of the tubes and the tube output transformer does the PP-->SE conversion, I would guess that this should be possible with your DAC as well, no ?
Got my boards this week and starting to assemble them now...may be this is a stupid question, but may I ask how do I know the correct chip orientation as I did not find any markings on the boards ? Can someone upload a hires picture of his assembled board in bird perspective, please ?

gtose picture above is already helpful, but you cannot see all markings on all chips.


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