Signalyst DSC1

Made a simple but effective PSU for the DSC2.

CRC for the reclock (13200uf + 0.5ohm + 13200uf)
CRC for the analog output (13200uf + 0.5ohm + 13200uf)
5v Regulated for BBG (18800u + LM1084-5.0)

works like a charm.

Sound wise, to me, appear to sound as good as other more exotic solution.
so maybe. if someone needs a valid and quick psu this arrangement is worth a shot.

If someone trust me enough on that i can share pcbs or gerber.


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Paging ppy!

Hi Pavel, do you have a mechanical drawing of your isolator/reclocker board available? I particularly need to know the position of pin 1 of the output header in relation to pin 1 of the BBB P9 header.

I plan to use one of your isolator/reclocker boards on the input of the delta-sigma Valve DAC project I'm working on so I need to calculate where to drill the holes for the BBB stand-offs relative to the DAC PCB.

Many thanks


BTW, I'm really please with the results of my DSC2 V2.5.2 and have started exploring the different HQP settings. Chanks for all your work on the development.
As far as I remember, the only reason why AK4137 was not used with DSC is the result of subjective uncontrolled listening tests (including mine). It was concluded, that HQP is far better in PCM-DSD conversion.

Have to say, that this is a very controversial conclusion. Must be checked in DBT. Think that I personally became a victim of expectation biasing. :)

What I've measured couple DACs that use AK4137, it has horribly bad performance. Both high noise floor in audio band plus the noise profile jumps up early. I was expecting much better performance from AKM.
do you have a mechanical drawing of your isolator/reclocker board available? I particularly need to know the position of pin 1 of the output header in relation to pin 1 of the BBB P9 header.

I think I've managed to obtain the relative positions of the pins by opening ppy's gerbers in the free (for non-commercial use) GerberLogix tool (the installed version not the on-line gerber viewer) and using its 'centre to centre' measurement tool. From that I can work out the BBB mounting hole positions. I'll finish off and check the measurements later but if it works out I'll have a suitable mechanical drawing.
Made a simple but effective PSU for the DSC2.

CRC for the reclock (13200uf + 0.5ohm + 13200uf)
CRC for the analog output (13200uf + 0.5ohm + 13200uf)
5v Regulated for BBG (18800u + LM1084-5.0)

works like a charm.

Sound wise, to me, appear to sound as good as other more exotic solution.
so maybe. if someone needs a valid and quick psu this arrangement is worth a shot.

If someone trust me enough on that i can share pcbs or gerber.

But is there any reason not to use CLC against resistor component? :D
But is there any reason not to use CLC against resistor component? :D

i have thought that is already enough this way.
cheaper, quicker.
from simulation the clc is slightly better... but in the end, this board already has loacal regulators on-board with very high PSRR.

My concern was just to give the lower impedance source possibile rather to reducing ripple. (While containing costs).
Made a simple but effective PSU for the DSC2.

CRC for the reclock (13200uf + 0.5ohm + 13200uf)
CRC for the analog output (13200uf + 0.5ohm + 13200uf)
5v Regulated for BBG (18800u + LM1084-5.0)

works like a charm.

Sound wise, to me, appear to sound as good as other more exotic solution.
so maybe. if someone needs a valid and quick psu this arrangement is worth a shot.

If someone trust me enough on that i can share pcbs or gerber.

In Gionag we trust :)

In you don’t mind to share...I’d be interested (pcb and/or gerber)

I think I've managed to obtain the relative positions of the pins by opening ppy's gerbers in the free (for non-commercial use) GerberLogix tool (the installed version not the on-line gerber viewer) and using its 'centre to centre' measurement tool. From that I can work out the BBB mounting hole positions. I'll finish off and check the measurements later but if it works out I'll have a suitable mechanical drawing.

The interface connectors used on Pi's and BB boards will be a tenth of an inch apart or 0.1 inch.
The interface connectors used on Pi's and BB boards will be a tenth of an inch apart or 0.1 inch.

Yes, that's a given - it's the relative position of pin1 of the reclocker output header I needed. I plan to stack the reclocker/BBB compo under a DAC board so needed to deduce the position of the holes for the different board stand-offs. All done and checked now though.
i have thought that is already enough this way.
cheaper, quicker.
from simulation the clc is slightly better... but in the end, this board already has loacal regulators on-board with very high PSRR.

My concern was just to give the lower impedance source possibile rather to reducing ripple. (While containing costs).

Maybe to try some shunt end with say additional 120% of consumption?
I have similar experiences with no-feedback, simple, old-school power supplies. Somehow sounds better?