Simplistic MosFET HV Shunt Regs

Hi Salas and everyone!
After the 2 test circuit *Simplistic Mosfet HV Shunt Regs and ''Simpler Simplistic''*
I saw ''Simpler Simplistic'' circuit design is simple and very good, high stability, very low noise. I enjoyed it, therefore I make PCB 5 for members that volunteer work and try board of ''Simpler Simplistic''.
I will send five members register first! So who are brave and like the registration???,
Ah, I went back too far: [URL="]schematic[/url] and [URL="]explication[/url].

Having good stock of J202, these can be used instead of 2SK170 you mentioned. From the days of long hair and wild experiments I kept some LR8U which were in my own lousy regulators. Any use for these cheap thingies? SMD though. Coming to think of it, haven't smoked a single semi this year. Life is getting boring overhere :grumpy:

Edit: just remembered I had to flip the mains fuse last week, in the dark. A stupid indicator bulb had '220' on it -it seemed so at that time (evidence has vaporised)- and went out in a joyfull boom. No harm done unfortunately :snooty:
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diyAudio Chief Moderator
Joined 2002
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I don't know why, I can't get the links to work in my browser. So I prepared a simpler simplistic schematic for 260V in, 210V out, with under 40mA ccs for you. Has MPSA-92 that you already have, as well. I don't have a J202 model in my libs right now. Because the 2SK170BL of the schematic has much more Idss, you must select off circuit a J202 that with some trial resistor connecting G,S will measure 1.74mA under 1V Vds. Then you can put them in the circuit using that J202 & test resistor or a trimmer around its value where the 2SK and the 500R trimmer are in the schematic.


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diyAudio Chief Moderator
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I'm not being picky...:eek:
schematic says 300V in so it's really minor, of course all parts values are good.

I changed it. Its nice you spotted. I used a 300V previous one and changed the battery value but forgot to write the text again. It can work with 90V dif BTW, heat will not be that much for just 37mA CCS Mosftet, if the transformer happens to come from a higher B+ project.
diyAudio Chief Moderator
Joined 2002
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Hello Salas

what about changing the input filter from CRC to LC, for example 10H and 47uF? As well using a tube rectifier instead of the solid state bridge rectifier.


We do it all the time.;) The very first one had a choke for instance, others use a tube rectifier aswell. Its just one member's shunt build that one above.