Simplistic MosFET HV Shunt Regs

diyAudio Chief Moderator
Joined 2002
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2SK117 is alright substitute. Don't drop 100V across the reg, its wasted heat and bigger sinks. Drop it in RC steps before, so you pre-filter also. Even 20V in-out will be more than good. Don't know about D1 in Quanghao's, had some problems he wrote, was blowing the 9610, but that was with his first try, had significant layout distance. Keep a spare 9610 and try underneath it directly with D1. Its good for general safety to be there if it does not blow anything. If it does, replace 9610, take D1 out and forget about it. In my P2P it did not blow something. OTOH a DIYer told me the reg even survived some output short without any guard Zeners at all, but sounds like pulling a wheelie without a helmet.
I would start 33R R1. But would check it passes 70mA. LEDS & VGS vary. 68K R3 5W good for circa 350V in.
As promissed, I report on the performance of the HV shunt reg. As I told you I installed it in my tube preamplifier. For information, this preamp is a Curcio Daniel-II. It is already an excellent machine that I had a chance to compare several times againts the best gears on the market. It always ranked among the top.
I initiated many upgrades since its construction with significant improvements on sound with any of them. I though I had come to the end until I upgraded the regulator section with a Guido Tent fixed 15V shunt regulator and your HV shunt regulator.
Both these upgrades made a huge difference in sound quality. Among my first impressions, I noticed reduce noise, better overall definition, exeptional image with pin point location of musicians and performers. I also found deeper sound stage, and clear reproduction of concert hall or studio reverberation when there is.
The upgrades where made in two steps, the Tent Lab first, so I could apppreciate the improvements gained with it. I did listen to it for several weeks until I could finaly find time and opportunity to install your HV shunt.
The HV shunt makes even more difference than the Tent Lab alone, but their action adds up to give the preamp outstanding performances.

Beside continuing the listening sessions, I will make comparisons with other high end preamplifiers and report on my findings.

This is well done Salas, an excellent design, great boards.
I can only thank both of you for the efforts and recommand to anyone desiring to build a performing HV shunt regulator, to try this one.
diyAudio Chief Moderator
Joined 2002
Paid Member
hey salas,

when you said (post 1001) that you would mirror the reg s schematic for us but had no HV gear to test it on, what did you mean exactly? did you mean something like an amplifier? because there is a possibility that i could be able to send one your way.

I will try to theoretically mirror one so you can try instead and tell us if it works.
P.S. What is the Tent Labs for? What uses 15V in your build?

It replaces the 7815 as IC1 in the Master Regulator. It is floating on top of the high voltage supply between VCC and VEE. It is used to power the op amp in the line amplifier.
The included diagrams should explain it all.
Thank you


  • Schematic Daniel II Line Amplifier.pdf
    22.5 KB · Views: 359
  • Schematic Master Regulator.pdf
    16 KB · Views: 358
diyAudio Chief Moderator
Joined 2002
Paid Member
that would be nice. i dont have an oscilloscope though. but i got fluke 187 multimeter and a pair of very well shaped cochleas.

Here you are. Just theoretically OK. Good luck.:)


  • SSHVmirror2test.gif
    6.9 KB · Views: 867
thank you.

and may the force be with me indeed.

one question:

what is the most proven pre reg filter for this reg so far? do you think 220uf+470r+220uf would be a safe choice, as i ve seen a couple time here before?

edit: also, what i want to power with this reg (exstata) requires 300Vout. any change required to the circuit (+ and - reg)?
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diyAudio Chief Moderator
Joined 2002
Paid Member
Some builder have shown SSHV DVM photos with the MJE350 holding even at over 300V (which is its spec). So give it +/-320V DC input and go +/-300V with the trimmers. What is the +/-ma that your electrostatic headphones amp will consume? Needed info.

CLC pre filter people say its subjectively better. CRC is nice for sizing the input voltage when trafos and mains aren't exact on the other hand.