Simplistic MosFET HV Shunt Regs

So only two channels with one shunt possible.

Yes VGeorge,

at this point I will prefer to try a single dc raw with tx-rectifier-c-l-c line and after two shunt regs . I will see if my old az1 mesh will be sufficient strong on emission.;)



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Reminder to all forum members

I placed my order to 'quanghao' for two boards and paid him through paypal over 2 weeks. I sent him couple email in between and tried to know when probably I'd have my two boards, but with no response. Please be warned not to send him any money before he clears this transaction.
Shunt problem


yesterday I had problem with Salas shunt reg. When I powered off the amp, something blew and smoked from regulator. It was working for two months without any problem so far.
This is my second experience with Salas reg that something suddenly blew off.
Version is "simpler simplistic Nov 09". Vin is 360V Vout is 290V.

It sounds superb, but i am now concerned with its reliability. I dont have gate protection zeners installed.
So I could install them and probably raise the gate stoppers to 330 Ohm?

Or does anyone know about other very good shunt reg design?

Thanks for advice.
diyAudio Chief Moderator
Joined 2002
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Don't know, that prototype of Nov2009 is still in service 315Vin,285Vout,40mA. Never blew. Has the gate Zeners non the less. HV, semis, and heat, are always potentially troublesome stuff on the other hand. Anyway, since higher Vmax PNP BJTs are hard to source, I will show you a bit later a schematic of how to cascode MJE350s for doubling their voltage spec and halving their dissipation. In general, keep it coolest temp possible and lower the Vin-Vo if you can. Sink the Jfet somehow with a little metal TO-92 winged cap or some improvised thing if its receiving some over 40C ambient heat from the sinks, its sensitive also.
diyAudio Chief Moderator
Joined 2002
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Its a much faster unit (<<Cob than MJE350) and TO-92. That means sink it somehow, and lower the output resistor in the Zobel from 3R3 to 2R7. That is the way I would try it, but I haven't had it ever to say for sure its gonna be issues free. Also more linear in low Ic and Hfe, possibly better if successful. Are you using a PCB?
diyAudio Chief Moderator
Joined 2002
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Yes its normal. Its Vbe comes to warm up, that is the Jfet's VDS bracket. It has an IDSS in turn which is both VDS and ambient temp sensitive. To add insult to injury there is a Norton resistive reference to directly I/V that, and much heat around because its a high burning shunt usually near to hot tubes! Don't expect any serious drift stability performance from such a design. It listens to the Drifters!:D OTOH most tube circuits sneeze at few Volt bias change amongst hundreds they need and all that stuff floats and filters elegantly. I.e. Fet CCS, Johnson noise only passive resistive reference, small MKP caps only, few components, parallel current damping, 10mOhm flat Zo exteneded in BW. Matters most hand in hand with tubes IMHO. Tune DC voltage output after well warm and forget. Else, you stick a Zener string instead of the Norton ref and you listen to... Art Of Noise.:D