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SlewMaster Project Boards

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Here is a shot of the VSHA-ECC88 IPS


  • VSHA-ECC88 IPS.jpg
    VSHA-ECC88 IPS.jpg
    556.2 KB · Views: 341
Wow, I had no idea these would be so popular. I have had to add to my order twice.

It should be about two weeks. In the meantime, if each of you will PM me with your address I can check on shipping costs.

Bessings, Terry

That would be good, may be the shipping cost more than the PC boards itself. That is why I did not put my name on the list yet. Actually I live in Toronto Canada M6L 2N5 postal code
Registered very expensive how I know :):) May be you have other solution ....
Just checked at the post office. First class to Italy and Canada for two board furnishing my own envelope is $7.10. No tracking or insurance. A little more for more boards. I'll let you guys know individually through PM. Just want to let folks know for general knowledge.

Terry please add me to the list for a pair board
These PC board was designed by Marc or by you please let me know...
It look like his (Marc) layout

Cheers gabor
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