Stability testing my new Rod Elliot P3A

How does something kinda like this look:
If you choose transistors that are much faster than the ones the designer specifies, you can't blame him when things oscillate. Getting those slow transistors shouldn't be difficult at all, they are not that 'ancient'.
Agree Ancient was being excessive.

Even with slower transistors the design is marginal.
To much diff current with no degen.
Not enough current for Vas and drivers.

Needs stabilization on the VBE multiplier
C6 is a band aid that might work with slower transistors.
actually causes problems with anything else.

probably try n fix the thing
and of course the usual alternative design that will get tossed
original P3A

AM4 diff current too high 3.22 ma
feasible too high with no degen.

AM3 second Gain stage.
Marginal low current 5ma
Should be closer to 6 to 8ma

AM2 driver transistors
Marginal current 2.66ma could be closer to
3 or 4ma

VF1 DC offset 92 mV = bad


Look familiar? = Ringing Oscillator

Just removing C6 reduces the ringing, pretty much pointless part
causes more problems. Still not stable. So lets try to fix it
without redesigning the whole board and with just value changes


To fix DC offset raise R7 to 820 ohms

lowers current from 3ma to 2ma and helps to stabilize the amp
since degen cant be added.

Lower bootstrap resistors R9/10 to 2.7k
Raises current from 5ma to 6ma.

This changed DC offset from 92mV to 15.8 mV
vast improvement.

Improved stability greatly.
100n needs to be added across T9
and removing C6 contributed the most
to actually stabilizing the amp.
C4 can possible be lowered to 68p to improve
high frequency slew rate.
If the the amp is still unstable add 1.8p across R5

Lower R12 and R11 to 150 ohms to increase driver current.
from 2.66mA to 3.66mA
This will help keep bias from being sky high or way at the end
of the pot travel. If bias still to high at way end of the pot
you can even go lower to 120 ohms


No ringing, feasible DC offset
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Just wanted to see if something was possible using the board
in hand. Got to download some new spice models.
All good.

3mA Vas is good times. Remember when I got 5mA to work
and thought how is this even possible. LOL

Not in this case obviously, always a fun thing.

There is a little magic with NPN diff and bootstrap Vas
for intentional high 2nd harmonic that people enjoy.

I get it why people like the sounds of this amp.
But CFP outputs can go and save a world of trouble to get
the same sound. Otherwise the board is what it is.
Was just working with what is there. Try find a solution.

Sim somewhat cold start devices temp 22 to 27c
Used stated 34 volt rails. Internal resistance added
to be less ideal in sim. Shown 8 ohm load.
More ringing with 4 ohm, forgot to show it.
Seems to help in sim land to expose stability issue
using less ideal voltage sources.
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