Stereolith Loudspeakers Question

hey markus, maybe it's the occasion to test the panostereolithical concept. very easy : stereolith in front of you, cardboard tie fighter behind, or to be exact, in front put the speaker that has the best efficiency. The listener is in the center and the channels of the back speaker are reversed (L on R and R on L) and in reverse polarity. It works fine for me, with not with you too ?
It's not about stereolith, but about the method of sending the signal supposed to realize a CTC by the rear of the listener, with side firing sources. like this there is also a better envelopment, but as it's not an established process, it could be interesting to see the result somewhere else.
I'm sending the Stereolith back this week so if anybody wants me to test anything then please let me know today.

If I'm not too late, have you been able to confirm that the tweeter wiring is as was proposed in post #87?

If I understood your previous posts correctly, you can feed the tweeter without the midbasses (Bi-amp capable).

Some tweeter impedance measurements across the channels, or an impedance sweep of the channels seperately, and another with the channels wired in paralell could help confirm that left and right are electrically summing in the suspected manner.

Can also confirm by feeding the Stereolith (tweeter inputs only) a dual mono sine wave, and gradually sweep from 1K to 15K Hz. Then do the same sweep again with one of the channels reversed.
If wired as suspected, the tweeter level will be relatively constant on the first test; On the second test, output will gradually decrease to zero. This would also give us some additional insight on the crossover slope and frequency; determine the span at which they are fully summed.

-- Mark

Thx for the .pdf, finally a paper that gives some clear answers to my consumer level interrogations and constatations.

BTW, looks like the principle is applied with the Owl speaker.

but this thing to work requires:

Stereo signal adaptation
• Performed in the analogue domain with discrete components or in the digital domain by DSP.

in other words - it sucks

things described here by Radugazon, Elias, myself and others don't require any sucking Stereo signal adaptation

therefore they are real bipolar

alleged bipolar in this thing is just stereophonic signal manipulation the results of which look partly like bipolar

theory behind it is just blah blah, although some facts are true and were already discussed in this thread or in the Loudspeakers&Room thread or in the Putting the Science Back thread
take a look at one of the latest Samsung products, it's HT-D7100 Blu-ray home theater system


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here is another beast!
I wanted to try this principle to get an idea ,and because i like innovative appraoch
without using a signal processing before amplification, the 3D sensation is not easily perceived and very recording dependant, but I used this pluging Audio mid-side encoder-decoder plugin (AU, VST) - MSED - Voxengo and adjusting the level of the mid channel (-6db) the result is really convincing,as write in the PDF "M/S speaker " the mid channel need to be delay to became coincident with side channel at listening point, i adjust delay with pulse measurement,in room,and i found that 100 to 400µs make the better 3D soundstage with any kind of audio ,filtering and equalisation are made by soft too,now i have to investigate on signal proccessing in M/S condition, but it seems to me, that "stereolith" have a passive M/S treatment ,and use the dual voice coil of the drivers to acheive this.
that said ,m/S is a way to go in stereo reproduction


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