Summer Project - Replication of MBL loudspeaker 101mkII

Wow...great drawing of what I assume is the bass driver.....

Makes my diy's look like a Tinker Toy in contrast, but I'm kinda relived by that. ;) I'd be hard pressed to replicate anything that complex. How goes it, BTW? I'm in 'standby' with my quest of late...'Real Work' has absorbed most of my free time; currently 'on site', 2 months of installation near Tampa, and Yes, it's hot....*G*
I believe David's already done the midrange, and the tweeter was in progress a few pages back. The scale of it suggests the woofer, but since I've never been lucky enuf to see an MBL IRL, I'm just uneducated guessing...

If I actually heard a pair of them, it'd be one thing off the bucket list. But then I'd likely get severely disappointed with my Walsh clone project, so I'll count myself lucky by default. ;)
Thanks, David....working towards that level of execution, but the lack of 'wastable time' in that pursuit is a bit frustrating. I'm sure you can identify....

A mid-range, hmm... as was noted, the magnet structure is a bit unusual,'s an unusual speaker, so that kinda follows....*G*

Don't mean to come off as 'trite', but it's been 'one of those days'....unfortunately, the 'replay' function seems to gotten stuck of late....;)
Small update

Finally gaining some ground. This little update includes installing rubber o-rings, finding the right connection wire, testing the new lamella alignment rig.
First the o-rings they fit quite nicely into the slots for the tweeter cable pass-through they are meant to inhibit vibrations. Here is a comparison of o-ring vs no o-ring. The third shot is how the cables will sit and attach to the tweeter. As you can see the cables will be soldered in place connected to a copper post.


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The second of the small updates is finding the right quality cable. This one is from a brand called Alpha it is a silver coated copper wire with Teflon insulation. The cable passes all the test. Here you can see how the cable will fit when it comes to the mid-range. The mid-range voice coil wire will be soldered directly to the protruded wire.


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Alingment rig

This is the new alignment rig. The Lamella slots are now on the inside of the voice coil as apposed to the outside on the prior design. This difference allows for closer spacing and overall better fit. I even made a holder to hold the system in place while gluing so I dont have to touch it.


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Damn, make me absolutely green with how smooth all that looks. Understand the resource lack, but the interval give one time to plot and plan the next moves. Can I make a reservation for the 'first sound'? I'll happily make the trek to GA...sleep in the bathtub, be a proper guest vs. a pest, all that normal social stuff... ;)
Damn projects take forever...*L* And that rationale that 'anything good is worth waiting for' does make one want to strangle whomever offers it up, just because....
"Here, I've been waiting to do this, too..." *stranglehold*

Don't mind me....I think I'm becoming allergic to certain aspects of civilization, such as it is...seems to be a lot of it about though...combat traffic...commercials for things that have more nasty side effects than the affliction exhibits...that sort of thing...I suspect you've had your full as well...

Absolutely you can be among the first to take a listen Jerry, Here is a test fit of the o-ring and cable that will be used for the tweeter section. A few more updates including complete metal structure will be coming.


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I'll be sure to bring a pair of mine to let you have a good laugh but an interesting 'compare and contrast'. I trust I'll get blown away in both regards, but like a parent of a child with 'difficulties', I'm still proud of them.
With any luck, it might be a pair of the V4's...a personal goal to hit. ;)