Summer Project - Replication of MBL loudspeaker 101mkII

Rubber and scrap piece of carbon

Just a test piece of carbon fiber and rubber


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Great leaps can be made with small steps...

...that's been my mantra for awhile, anyhow.

David, that may be the smallest punch I've had the pleasure to have seen in quite awhile. *G* But obviously it yielding the results for your pursuit, and kudos on that.

I've made some progress, but the strongest 'start' of our business has absorbed the bulk of my 'audio playtime'...but having work that 'books' us up into July and beyond occur within January was a real boost on many levels.

I've more to say about this....and That. But rather than writing a novella and sending your thread into the next page with my rambling....

(*OMG* There's something amiss! jerryrigged has become unrigged! There must be a asteroid impact pending!

...and no where to run....*tsk*G*)

Impending PM...have a good week. ;)
Thanks I will post regular updates and this forum will be among the first to know when the monitors or drivers are ready. Here we see the completed motor assemblies and housing. To the left is a oven controller I am working on for the carbon fiber petals. I have included a picture of the mould. No holds barred


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Marvelous! It's been impressive and encouraging to watch your 'summer project' come to fruition. It'd be a great honor to be able to hear them live, but at this point the guest list likely requires 'non-disclosure'; happy to oblige there, as I really don't know anyone who'd know what to do with the information. Besides, you deserve whatever success and the benefits that may follow...
I've got my own project stalled for quite awhile now, what with our business (happily busy, booked basically into Fall essentially), getting a home on some property we own, and some various medical issues that have finally come to a relative end. Have spent the time gathering the various 'n sundry together to make my own 'NHB' run at my own project. We'll just have to see how it all shakes out...
Anyhow, Happy Spring! Stay focused, but don't forget to breathe. ;)
Thanks Jerry, love reading your comments. Yes I saw the Walsh driver thread they are doing some amazing things over there. You will be among the first to hear it if you so wish. I'm staying focused as much as classes allow. I've heard nothing but good things about your success in business. Hope your doing well now and we can some day listen to our designs.
'Wish' is putting it mildly, and you call the when. *VBS* I'd consider it an honor. GA is right next door to WNC.
And, with any luck (I'm accepting any & all donations on This) I might manage to bring a pair of my next generation with 'for your consideration". Anyone that has the 'ears' to have a go at DIY'ing an MBL ought to be able to bring an astute judgement on what I'm up to...
Besides, I'm wondering myself what they'll turn out like. *G*shrug*
I'm pleased that the thought of an omni isn't as off-putting as it used to be. Since technology has developed, the fact of sound reproduction that can reproduce the 'you are there'' quality in a movie theater, or at ones' home for that matter, it makes sense that in a smaller space one might strive to 'go 3D' with it. (MHO that '4D' is more correct, but that's another discussion. *G*)
I ramble at the keys, and just try to make it have some sort of sense. If it's interesting and/or amusing, I'll take the compliment. ;)
Anyway...carry on, study hard, maintain momentum. Can't wait for the next installment on the 'summer project'...*S*
The question I have, after watching the many videos on the MBL's and looking through this and many other threads is... is the "melon" truly sealed? The spider is like all spiders, mesh (holey), and the VC gap would technically leak the air from the inside of the melon through the gap and out the spider. Minimal air to be certain, would ferrofluid be required to truly seal the VC gap, or some membrane that goes from the VC to the rod running up the center? Superior work by everyone in this thread, really blown away by the attention to detail and great execution!
Punch press results changing out the ram for an arbor press.. much easier than the small punch press I made. The first picture is the result of the oven and mold system.


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