Sure Electronics New Tripath Board 4*100W class-D Amplifier Board

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hi guys,
I'm too busy to visite the forum. I have tested the 4*100W amplifier. It's good enough to use, but some of my friends tell me their 4*100W amplifier is broken because of the short circuit. So I contact the Sure, they told me they had solved the problem. Is there anyone who could prove the news? But from their introduction in Ebay, it seems that they also lower the price. any news about the 4*100W amplifier?
hi guys,
I'm too busy to visite the forum. I have tested the 4*100W amplifier. It's good enough to use, but some of my friends tell me their 4*100W amplifier is broken because of the short circuit. So I contact the Sure, they told me they had solved the problem. Is there anyone who could prove the news? But from their introduction in Ebay, it seems that they also lower the price. any news about the 4*100W amplifier?

I got my replacement last week. Unfortunately I just tested it about 10 minutes ago.

Credit to them they pack in a lot of magic smoke! Mine just blew on power up.

I was really looking forward to reviewing this amplifier, the sure boards that I have listened to have all been good.

I trust Sure as a company, I know they are working hard to resolve issues and indeed everyone that I have conversed with on this issue has reported what I consider to be good customer service. I just hope they get to the bottom of the problems
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I got my replacement last week. Unfortunately I just tested it about 10 minutes ago.

Credit to them they pack in a lot of magic smoke! Mine just blew on power up.

I was really looking forward to reviewing this amplifier, the sure boards that I have listened to have all been good.

I trust Sure as a company, I know they are working hard to resolve issues and indeed everyone that I have conversed with on this issue has reported what I consider to be good customer service. I just hope they get to the bottom of the problems

hi, I visited your web and it seems that you are the expert in the amplifier area. Some of your discussion about the amplifiers in you web is very useful and quite good. And you said that:the Sure didn't get to the bottom of the problems. what's your opinion about the "bottom of the problems"? Could you please share your idea with us? it must be useful for us to deal with the problem in the 4*100W amplifer by ourselves. thanks .
hi, I visited your web and it seems that you are the expert in the amplifier area. Some of your discussion about the amplifiers in you web is very useful and quite good. And you said that:the Sure didn't get to the bottom of the problems. what's your opinion about the "bottom of the problems"? Could you please share your idea with us? it must be useful for us to deal with the problem in the 4*100W amplifer by ourselves. thanks .

I dont know why the second amp blew, but one thing that I noticed on the first batch was that an insulating washer was missing on the input diode.

This meant that the heatsinks of the amplifier were going live, not a healthy situation to be in, especially when the lugs of the adjoining amplifier chips are held at ground. Not a design flaw, insulating pads were placed between the diode (to220 package) and the heatsink (the smaller of the two, but touching the larger sink) rather an ommision during manufacture.

As for the latest failure, Sure had on the second sample fitted the washer, so that was not the issue, but I have not had the top off the amp to see if there are any obvious solder bridges etc.

I also have not seen schematics for this amplifier, so its kinda hard to look out for incorrect resitor values or misplaced components.

I may of course just been unlucky, it will be interesting to see if anyone else gets theirs up and running....
hi !!

it seems that i'm having trouble with mine too ....

i've made a short listening test of 5 minutes a few days ago the amp connected to a 24v supply (battery) ...

the circuit itself started making a 8khz hiss after 3/4 minutes (i thought at first it was in the speakers .... i've disconected them ... it was still there ...)

The pb is that the hiss is so strong that it is perfectly audible ...

some of you have the same pb than me ?

In attachment, all the schematics of the amp if some of you are interested !!

see ya !!!


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2nd dead board

Hi guys,

I got my replacement board for my defective 4*100W last
week. This weekend I had time to test it. It lasted as long as
my 1st 4*100W board. Powered up and it went up in smoke.

I'm happy with my two 2*100W Sure amps but this is getting
very silly. Hope customer support will help. Whoa is me.:(
It seems the problem is still there. My 4*100 was powered but I didn't have any music playing. There was noise from one channel, like dirty pot noise then the power supply shut down for 2 seconds, powered up again by itself then the smoke started, not a little smoke either. Had been working for 3 days without a problem. for pics while it was working. Now I have a lot of work to do on what should have been a finished project.

Quick and dirty...

I've been lurking here for a few weeks, and was inspired by this thread (and the one about the 2-channel version) to reboot my HiFi-interest. (Well, maybe moving to a larger house with room for decent speakers have something to do with it as well)

I just received a 4-channel Sure-board, and reading about the magic smoke being let out at first try, and about missing isolation-washers, I wanted to test mine out immediately.
First the washer; it seems to have been poorly mounted and gets pulled towards the mounting screw when it's being tightened. With a little care, there will be no short, however.
After setting things up with an Oltronix lab-ps (20V 1.5A) a pair of speakers (computer-monitor pulls) and an iPhone for source, I swithched the power on, but was greeted by a whining noise from the speakers. This was due to the current limiting set to 150mA, and went away with more "juice" :)
With everything working, and no smoke billowing out I was greated by far better sound than I had expected!
I look forward to box this amp and hook up some serious speakers!
Thanks everyone for the inspiration!


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The problem must be weird. Sure can make very good boards as apart from a few who have fried them while modding the 2*100 board doesn't seem to have any problems.

When mine fried it was spectacular. There was lots of smoke!!!! It also shut down the 13A power supply. Since the amp was just sitting there, powered but otherwise not doing anything and the epesode was faster than I could react......... . It would seem like a short on the power rails. I would be thinking in terms of a physical problem as opposed to an electronic one. The amp was fine for several days, was kept cool by a fan and was idling only. The sound it made was just like one that a dirty pot would make, sort of scratchy.

Interestlingly the resistance on the outputs now show
ch1 22 Ohm
ch2 32k Ohm
ch3 32k Ohm
ch4 0.5 Ohm

Looking at the diagrams put up by Cybermeu, I don't see a connection between Ch1 and 4. If anyone else cares to check their defunct boards. May be an issue with mounting the two boards.

I got my 4*100 a few days ago. Mine's been powered up for more than 24 hours, played some music yesterday and more today, no problems. No noise whatsoever. When the music is stopped the speakers and the amp are both completely silent. (can't hear anything in my fairly quiet room, at least).

I'm powering my amp w/ a dinky 12V 2A external HD "wall wart" at the moment. Don't have any 24V supplies to test.

So far the amp sounds pretty good, playing back EAC ripped music on my PC as the source. A pair of sealed Zaph BAMTMs as the speakers.

EDIT: Oh, my board is also bowed (bent) - should I contact Sure about that, should I be concerned? I'm not too concerned, because most of my recent computer motherboards all bow when you install the CPU heatsinks. I don't like it :( but, I read that's "normal"...
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