Sure Electronics New Tripath Board tc2000+tp2050

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I have another question, sorry I don't know much about power supplies etc. But if I want to use this amp (sure amp board 2*100) in the car, what do I need as the power supply? Can I just wire the amp to the battery which is already 14V? any links/pics on how this amp can be applied in a car would be great.
I think I have taken the board as far as I can?
Changed all the lytic's for Pany FC's, changed all the film caps, better quality, same values.
Removed C1 and C2 and replaced with a single 100nF Wima film cap.
Moved C6 to underside of board. Replaced C5 with a 100nF Wima film cap.
Added a 10uF Pany to the adjust leg of the 5V reg.
Removed D1 and D2 and re-routed the power supply.

PS this is just what I have done and is not necessarily a recommendation.;)


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I'll second that - great job Audio1st.
A couple followup questions:
1. In the 5V regulator, you put the 10uf cap in parallel with R2, correct?
2. It looks like you'd need to jumper D1 and D2 if removed - I take it your trace cutting and jumpering accomplish that and more?
3. Why move C6 to below the PCB - to get it closer to the chip?
4. You have a large blue PS reservoir cap on the side of your PCB - what value do you suggest?
Thanks again.
Best regards,
My bad luck just continues. Just recieved this amplifier board and it played for 5minutes, with only the right channel working. After about five minutes the whole board muted and the mute/error led went on. I Guess I need to send it back since im not very good with electronics. Dont really trust cheap chinese amps :/. My lepai also broke after few days of use, and i dont really think im abusing them. Been using a 12V 9AH motorbike lead battery as a power supply since the amp is going for my portable ghettoblaster.
mikebarney said:
I'll second that - great job Audio1st.
A couple followup questions:
1. In the 5V regulator, you put the 10uf cap in parallel with R2, correct?
2. It looks like you'd need to jumper D1 and D2 if removed - I take it your trace cutting and jumpering accomplish that and more?
3. Why move C6 to below the PCB - to get it closer to the chip?
4. You have a large blue PS reservoir cap on the side of your PCB - what value do you suggest?
Thanks again.
Best regards,

Hi Mike,

1. Yes, I connected it between the adjust (1) leg and ground side of C4, I may change that to the ground side of C3. Neg to ground.
2. Yes the links bypass these diodes. You could use diodes in place of the links to be safer.
3. Yes, Tripath always state that this cap should be as close to their chips as possible. Short path to ground.
4. I used a 3,300uF, I tried larger but the switch mode PS did not like it. Other PS will behave differently and something up to 20,000uF could work.

I would love to say all the ways the sound has improved but it so dependent on what it is used with.
First I am using 1 Amp per speaker (1 channel per driver) so the soundstage, air and separation will be down to the pre amp and source.
The DAC that I am using is based on the TDA1543 chip so that may be rolling off the harsh treble that others talk of ?
Also the impedance of the speakers can affect the treble.

All I can say is it is the best Amp I have had (never had anything very expensive mind), that is to say that I have never heard familiar CD's sound this good before. It could be just a synergy with my other separates.
The sound has improved since it's un-modded state, whether that is down to the input caps burning in or the further mod's I can't say to be honest, nothing I have changed has made it sound worse.
I am definitely not a reviewer, but I know I like the sound of this Amp:D

I just got mine!

Amazing little amp.

I really cant believe the clarity of this little thing. The seperation! Soundstage (if that is correct) is so wide and for the lack of a better word "airy"

Like what other people have said, I am hearing things i havnt heard before in recordings.

Only thing is that the lower end bass is lacking to what I am used to.
THis could be because of the laptop power supply I am using. 19volts at 3.3 amps. This thing was free!, So I cannot spend another 70 bucks aus. on a decent power supply just yet.

Either way I am happy.

I want another one!!
i jsut got my board to :D
grabbed an old laptop power supply to test it and it workes.
connected the power supply to my scope and damn, thats worse.
couple of caps to smooten it out and it sounds good.
time to make an decent power supply for it :D

i question, you connected those 4 lines on the bottem, i think there ground, but why if i may ask?
im getting extremely high pitch noise coming through, using my laptop power supply.

For the laptop power supply, I used the outter sheathing for the ground, as opposed to the middle, much smaller negative wire. I tested both smaller and larger and they were both ground. Why would you run a very light guage wire as a ground along with a more substantial one?

And only happens when i used a plugged in computer to play music.

Is this an earthing ground loop?

sigh.. i dont know much about this stuff
hmm just grabbed an universal power supply, you know, that 10 euro things that come with all kind off plugs.
1.5V-3V-4,5V-6V-9V-12V, and with an little transformer in it.
i grabbed one becouse the laptop power supply, well was rubbish.
mini power supply on 12V, grabbed the rught plug and gogogo.
and now my mom is pissed, music way to hard;)
sounds really nice btw.
can you tell me why you modded it and what the mods are supposted to do?
becouse i can just mod it like you did but i want to know what the mods are supposted to do.
like, why did you remove the diodes, and does replacing C1 and C2 with 1 cap affect the input filter and how much?
and why did you reroutet the power supply, is the circuit boards routing bad?

maybe a short cuircuit somewhere?
+ and - wrong on the power supply?
whelibob said:
do you guys have any idea what might be the problem. when i plug power on the amplifier it plays for one second and then the sound cuts off. if i plug the power again it plays for one sec and then mutes. always when it goes silent the mute/error led goes on.

have you connected 1 set of power only?

have you connected the 5 volt mute line?

are you running more than 10 volts through it?

umm.. dunno what else..

what impedence speakers are you using? Is there a short somewhere in your wiring?
konman said:

have you connected 1 set of power only?

have you connected the 5 volt mute line?

are you running more than 10 volts through it?

umm.. dunno what else..

what impedence speakers are you using? Is there a short somewhere in your wiring?

yes im using only one 12v 9Ah battery. i havent connected the 5volt mute. my speakers impedance is 8ohm. and there shouldn't be any shortciruiting in my wiring. my guess is that its just a manufacturing fault since in the beginning when it worked only the other channel was giving out sound and just after 5minutes of listening it also muted.
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