TABAQ TL for Tangband


Do get a mic... You wouldn't build a box without a tape measure, right? ;)

A "beauty baffle" to hide the Faital's ugly mounting tabs. Cool.

Not quite sure to get what you mean with your 4 Hz BCS... Did you mean a 1mH, 4 Ohms BSC? (Baffle Step Compensation) :)

I wish I could get Faital drivers here...


Yes you are correct a mic and software is in the plan for me. As well, I don’t know what I was doing when I said what I did regarding the BCS. Your answer or assumption of what I meant was on the money.

Wish you could get Faital’s their also, you would be a happy man.

Jerms design is astounding and I have enjoyed building and listening to TABAQs. I have even a bigger smile now. Thanks Jerms.
Hi Graphic,

While I love the Faitals, I was sure I had tried to sim them before and wasn't a fan in the TABAQ.

I'm glad they do work in your room, but I'm pretty sure they would not do so well in mine. See, my room has a suck up node at 65Hz.

Looking at the sim, there's a drop at that point, so, that might become a chasm in my room. On the other hand, if your room picks up at 65Hz, then you'll have a good sounding system.


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I have that mic as well as the apps (both android and ios). I've been told I need something better. As a relative newbie I am a bit confused as what one needs. iAudio audiotools app seems to me to have what I need if I purchase the additional impedance test/plot section to test and design speakers.

I purchase lots of stuff from PE, but now Solen out of Montreal are beginning to offer some Dayton product as well as TB drivers and others.
Audiotools looks interesting, but most like to use a computer based version because then, you can import/export data into different apps... a lot of them are free to use for the casual hobbyist.

The UMM-6 USB mic is $75, combine that with the free REW that offer impedance, IR, and a lot more for free (in-app purchasing for audio tools) and you are basically at the same price point.

VituixCad is also another tool that I recently discovered, that thing is a beast and it will take me sometime to get how it works for the most parts... REW is a lot easier, as others, like The Edge, Basta, XSim, etc...

So, Solen sells Dayton now? I should look it up next time I go back home for a visit!

I'm pretty sure Dayton stuff is made right here in Taiwan by Usher, and I asked if I could tour the factory, but they said, no. :(. Too bad. That would be nice to pick them up right here off the shelves!

Your 60 ears will pick up the bass... it's the upper stuff we lose. I'm down to 15kHz personally.
No worries.

REW is a great program for analyzing the speakers in your environment. It shows what's happening and you can then know what to improve... more than just Frequency Response.
The Impulse Response will help you with placement of the speakers and dial down the room to see what's happening. Along with Waterfalls, and so much more...

I'm just skimming the surface. Myself, I'm still far from grasping everything in there, but it also taught me a lot.

I guess in the end, it taught me what kind of sound I like, and how to achieve it.
Well thanks again Perceval. I downloaded the REM program(I like it works on Mac and Linux) took a look and now decided to order the mic next week. I can always use the tablet setup as a mobile unit if I need something lite and compact. I know I have huge learning curve, but good tools make that curve a bit more manageable. I also need to learn more about acoustics, but I have my eye on a few good publications. This speaker design/build thing I want and know can be something to keep me sane in my semi-retirement years and be rewarding as well.

I have a fast check and can't find any design around this speaker only with the sim from Perceval. After couple successful built with RS100-8 and TC9, I really would like to give this speaker a chance since I have a pair sitting for nothing.
Would appreciate if Bjorn, Perceval would give some ideas and or design for me to try. Size is not a problem.

I looked at the W5 again, and I'm sorry, but the TABAQ doesn't help with this driver.

It performs exactly the same as a regular ported box, if you're looking for a nice sounding curve.

So, for the W5-2143, that's what I would suggest. A simple ported box, 15 litres, and tuned to 57Hz, so a 5cm diameter vent, 8.4 cm long.

F3 comes at about 55Hz.